Daily Update (LG Nest), Tuesday, April 20,2010

Evening all: Welcome back, Alicat!  As usual, all quiet on the LG nest; breezy at LOTL.  FYI, I may not watch very late tonight as we have someone coming early in the morning to install French doors between the kitchen and "my" room and it's been a busy day. 

  • Heard a commotion & came back in to see EJ getting the tail end of Odin's fish!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • I heard that they often eat the head off first, to make sure its dead and so not dangerous to any chicks in the nest.  I saw it as he landed, and it looked a good size, so there should be plenty for EJ, too.

  • Mmm. now , this 'second fish' thing is rather confusing . May I conjecture - could it have been part of Odin's original sizeable fish  and FAT fish - EJ brought him the remains (she really could not have eaten it all herself after all) - and at some point Odin ate some to complement the head which he had eaten and finally, he gave the last bit to EJ.

    OR was this really a completely new fish brought to the nest so soon??????   I'm all ears everyone   :)

  • Just opened up the video page and yes, Odin definitely baby sitting.

    Oh yes, and as we can all see so clearly - just the two eggs. Thanks DJoans

  • Alison W said:

    has ej laid third egg yet is it due today or is it tomorrow,thanks for the messages left on my page


    LG seem to think egg#3 would be today - if same spacing as last year it will be tomorrow.

                                   2009            2010

    Egg#1                 16 Apr             15 Apr (Thurs)

    Egg#2                 19 Apr             18 Apr (Sun)

    Egg#3                 22 Apr              ??

    Hope you are less sore today. 

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Well, that's a good question, Cirrus.  All I know is it was a good size:  you can see it in his claw in DjoanS' pic.  If the 1st fish was really huge, it could have been the same one.  However, the 'shouting' & harrassment had been going on for quite a few minutes so Odin can't have been on a nearby tree or I'm sure he would have turned up earlier. (I had heard this other bird calling out loudly for quite a while)

  • Lindybird -  this comes from the Official Blog postings: it seems to be evidence on my side but not necessarily.


    Posted on Tuesday, 20 April 2010 at 14:12 re: IT'S EGG NUMBER 2!!-->

     Oden just flew in with a small fish.  Ej immediately left the eggs, took the fish & flew away.  On closer sight, it wasn't so much a small fish, just that there was so little of it left after Oden fed himself  -- scarcely more than the tail.   Oden has now taken on his incubation duties.


    So, LIndybird what d'you think. I think  this is the same fish being passed around - just splendid really - it was a big fat fish after all and the two have taken their time to consume it .     ?????

  • Morning all: See you've all been busy; let me add my "please two chicks only this year" (after all, two's company; three's a crowd).  Anyone know the maximum number of eggs that have been delivered and/or hatched to an osprey?

  • I have been a very infrequent viewer  today, so once again, a big thankyou for all the updates.

  • A very good morning to you Annette. There was an Osprey nest in your neck of the woods (well, USA) that had four chicks ALL successfully fledged !!    :) Ye gods !! the male must have been Zeus.