A Google search revealed this so I have started a new thread has been suggested.
Birdies LG DU update.
Oh no... so much for wishful thinking... I assumed that there would be a nice early finish to the last day of the festival today. However, the "arena entertainment" doesn't end until 11pm and the campsite doesn't close until noon tomorrow.
Clare, seriously there is at least 1 death a year at this event. Not event organisation related but due to human activity whether drink drugs or fighting through drink and drugs. Or at least for the last three years there has been more publicity surrounding the deaths. Apparently the police are looking for more info on a video of a aggression that was filmed yesterday but not sure whether related to bloke you died.
You'll always get people taking drugs at festivals - it's impossible to stop them. Enormously sad in this day and age, it's not like the risks aren't known.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Stathallan'T'ag twitter: "4.20am Despite all, female #osprey on nest, male osprey on nearby perch, occasionally circling to keep the many gulls away."
Good news but the irony is of course, if the ospreys don't leave the nest due to the festival, we will have to endure this again the next 3 years, and the event could well become a permanent fixture at Strathallan Castle.
I think the osprey parents' bond to the chicks will be so strong that they won't abandon the nest. However, they may think twice about returning to this nest site in future years.
Let's hope that whatever noise and lights has been bearable for them so that human and wildlife can coexist without removing nests etc. Best we could have hoped thus far.
Safety problems at T in the Park: www.thecourier.co.uk/.../man-hit-by-bus-outside-t-in-the-park-site-1.889477
Strathallan'T'ag twitter reports of crowd crushing and site cramped, even though event not sold out. Link to youtube footage people crushed at entrance to slam tent:
Will be interesting to see what is not done by P&K council and what they and df will just ignore.
I watched some of last night's performance on TV, and felt for all wildlife in the area. The electro lighting and lazers were phenomenal and the noise, however much you may like or dislike it, would have been so intrusive. The comments on FB are almost vitreolic about the camp site, the infrastrucure, traffic, the stewards' lack of help, and of information, having to walk miles in the dark to pickup points, etc. And a huge call for it to be returned to Balado. But I have to say that those near the front of the stage ate clearly having a whale of a time. It might change when they try to leave.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
I would love to see an unbiased account of how the ospreys fared over the last few days.