A Google search revealed this so I have started a new thread has been suggested.
Birdies LG DU update.
I'm not sure Are they just exploiting the ospreys for monetary gain?
I hope not, Patily. The article stated they liked the bird.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Oh Lord, Edinburgh City centre chaos with hundreds and hundreds of advance party Tinthepark'ers. God help the wildlife or are they the wildlife :):):)
I suspect they're the parklife.
Well, here goes ...
I believe the Osp chicks have not yet fledged, so should be safe so long as the adults aren't driven away.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Let's hope the noise levels don't cause them to fledge prematurely.
If I were an Osprey, Clare, I would cover my ears with my wings rather than leave the nest with all those people around! But I do hope they can enforce the "no fireworks" ruling.
Unknown said:But I do hope they can enforce the "no fireworks" ruling.
I see they have banned a lot of strange items and some which may disturb wildlife have also been banned such as flares, fireworks, air horns, flag poles. Other things I find a bit random selfie sticks???? Obviously when under the influence and in hedonistic mood they become a safety risk.
Unknown said:Obviously when under the influence and in hedonistic mood they become a safety risk.