T(or not)In The Park

A Google search revealed this so I have started a new thread has been suggested.

  • I would also love to know of any reply, CRinger, and certainly hope there is NO festival there. I have looked at the planning application, so as to object on there, and am amazed at how large the site is, ie the majority of the non-wooded bits of the estate. There is proposed a Big Wheel of 40m and 2 Stages and 4 Big Tops and lots of camping and parking space. All very disruptive to wildlife,-if any would remain after their despoilations so far and proposed!

  • My thanks to Val and all her locals making sure the law is the law.

    Sadly the RSPB aren't coming out smelling of roses.. Just sitting on a distant shelf!!

  • Thank you CRinger for taking this step and contacting the police, directly, yourself. I, too, have looked at the planning application and was amazed how vast the whole T in the Park is meant to be. It is going to affect so much wildlife as well as the osprey. I do wonder who is involved with both sides. i.e. the plan proposers and those deterring any intervention at this stage.  

  • Valmc - We discussed your points that you have posted when I met you last Saturday. After I had left I visited the nest on the way home.

    I Thank You for all you have done at this nest and know you have been and will continulaly be very active in support of this nest.

    I do understand the orthinologist is paid by DF Concerts but I still find his behaviour and advice disappointing considering who he is and what he does for ospreys. I think in the same position I would distance myself from them.

    Unfortunately on Orkney Islands this week and can not get up but it is re-assuring the locals and STAG are keeping a close eye on matters.

  • Thank you CRinger for reporting this.  I have started to follow this and cannot believe what is happening.  Hopefully the police will investigate and take action.  I sincerely hope that consent is not given to DF Concerts and that the wildlife will be protected from such a disruptive event.

  • CRinger - I hope you get somewhere with this - In the past weeks I have written to RSPB - SNH and the local Auchterarder Police to no avail.

    Maybe now as time as progressed with the return of the birds and the nest active then more may be done.

    Hope you have success and return serve to Mr and Mrs Roberts and DSF Concerts.

  • Oh, so would I CRINGER, so would I . Like to know about any response that is.And I too think your Shankly quote quite remarkable and outstanding

  • Well put, CRINGER!  Surely they will have to reply to that - and take action!  I shall be away the next few days, but hopefully able to catch up next week.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Unbelievable, that is all I can say. Val, thank you for your update and for all the work that you are doing on site. Thanks also CRinger for your contact to the police. I would also like to be kept updated. I have to say I can't get my head around this one. Sincerely hoping that common sense is used, the law is the law.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • The RSPB seem to be coming out quite badly in my opinion in this. The RSPB don't seem to be putting much pressure as they have in other areas in recent years, but the RSPB havent piled the pressure on as they could with stopping the T in the Park festival with the  organisation dealing with all off that and protecting the Ospreys nesting on this occasion.

