T(or not)In The Park

A Google search revealed this so I have started a new thread has been suggested.

  • Just caught up with this post.

    What a nightmare 8 months this has been!

    Thank you all for signing petition & your comments!

    Briefly as I have said elsewhere, the location at Strathallan is totally unsuitable for both wildlife & people.

    My trailcameras have been on site since August & up until 3 weeks ago I received between 10-20 images Each day of various species of wildlife including red squirrels, pine martens, roe deer, hares & numerous bird species. Then the contractors moved in & not a single image of wildlife-just tractors, road rollers & of course cherry pickers. Many deer have been killed on roads & the area is totally devoid of other wildlife.

    There has been 24/7 surveillance by residents for many weeks & this is set to continue which is a big relief!

    The Ospreys have indeed returned to their nest. Behaviour is normal with many matings at nest & sticks are being added to the slightly damaged established nest. According to those monitoring nest, there have been NO visits to alternative nest which was constructed less than 150m away. The pair have even chased away intruders yesterday.

    The difficulty on site is that the ornithologist is being paid to say what DFC want him to say. Generally, statements made by ornithologists are taken as fact mainly to save those with opposing opinions the cost of having one each. This is generally also the position with the EIA-it should be a statement of fact for the same reason! In this case it is so unbelievably wrong on so many points that a 2nd public consultation period commenced. DFC have know amended the original application but that is equally flawed!

    Following the events of this week, the cherry picker was moved after Police took advice from RSPB as the nest is considered active.

    There is much afoot that I cannot divulge at this point but hope to be able to update very soon. Suffice to say DFC are giving quotes to media but I assure you that the situation is very different!

    More soon

    One Life - Live It!!

  • Thanks Val fantastic update on a very emotive issue. An ornithologist in the pay of an organisation that would appear to be anti - wildlife is wrong on so many levels. Anyhow we must stay positive that the right outcome will reign.

  • VALMC - so glad you are there on the ground: you are doing a grand job - keep it up.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Valmc I am totally supportive of all you are doing. The whole thing is a travesty.

  • Val, Thank you for your update. Wish we could be of more help to you.

  • Thanks for your information, Valmc. The situation is deplorable and should never have been allowed to happen. Thanks to you and all the others who are fighting for all the wildlife at Strathallan.

    Kind regards


  • Hear, hear Nairnred.

    This morning I emailed Scottish Police and thought some of you may be interested in what I wrote:

    Re: Possible infringements of The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as amended by The Nature Conservation Act (Scotland) 2004 - T in the Park - Strathallan Castle

    I have long been a supporter of RSPB and have become increasingly alarmed at the media reports relating to recent events surrounding the above. I have grave concerns that offences may already have been committed in relation to the ospreys. RSPB advises on their website 'If anyone thinks a disturbance offence has occurred on the proposed site of the relocated T in the Park, they should contact Police Scotland.' - Hence the reason for this email.
    My understanding is that S1(b) of The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 indicates that 'that it is an offence if any person intentionally :
    takes, damages or destroys the nest of any wild bird while that nest is in use or being built..........'
    Furthermore, this was subsequently amended by The Nature Conservation Act (Scotland) 2004. Schedule 6 of which not only widens the scope of 'intentionally' by adding the words 'or recklessly' but also adds two (in my view highly relevant) subsections which also now constitute an offence:
    (ba) at any other time takes, damages, destroys or otherwise interferes with any nest habitually used by any wild bird included in Schedule A1;
    (bb) obstructs or prevents any wild bird from using its nest. 
    In the last week or so there have been many reports in the media in relation to actions taken which, if true, surely amount to interfering with the osprey nest and / or obstruction / prevention of the birds using their usual nest. For instance, it has been reported (http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/park-2015-fans-assured-festival-5474214?fb_ref=Default) that 'Festival organisers had hoped a cherry picker, complete with saltire and balloons, would be enough to discourage the Osprey pair from returning.' There have been additional reports of sonic booms being used to deter the ospreys from occupying their usual nest.
    In these circumstances it appears to me that there is a prima facie case that offences may already have been committed under S1(ba) and S1(bb).
    Please confirm that you are currently investigating whether or not offences have already been committed. If not, please confirm that as a result of this email you will now investigate.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    (Name, address & telephone number supplied)

    If people are interested I will let you know their reply.‏

    Some people think Ospreys are a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that. 

  • Hi CRinger,

    Would love to hear how they reply. I'm trying to follow what is happening through Twitter and news sources. I just hope that money doesn't shout too loud.

    P.S. love the Shankly quote!!

    Kind regards


  • Hi CRinger would also very much love to hear about any response you receive

  • Hi CRinger,

    I would also like to hear how they reply.

