Morning all: Two eggs and how many more to go? Had to laugh at Soosin's mention of the "parrot," which played such a role in last year's nest watch. So EJ has found a place to hide out? Let's see how long that lasts....
glad to hear ej and odin doing ok sorry about this did'nt have it in me to put this on the weekly but thats to all for kind thoughts and warm wishes tought i would send you this as a thank you
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Tish said: Soosin. If I have LG and LOTL on my screen at the same time they are both all fuzzy. What am I doing>>
Soosin. If I have LG and LOTL on my screen at the same time they are both all fuzzy. What am I doing>>
Tish I don't know how to have 2 cams up at the same, what I do is open them both in separate windows, minimise them and just click on the one I want.
Hello Alicat, Do we presume you are now home and feeling ok. Lovely to hear from you and what a lovely thought to send this photograph. We should be sending you the flowers.
Margobird, That's the most sensible thing I've heard. That works for me so thank you for the trouble of answering .
ALICAT Bless your cotton socks. The flowersd are lovely. and I bet you're fine too! xx
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
ALICAT lovely to hear from you. Have been wondering how you were. The flowers are lovely. Hope you will be feeling much better soon x
You are welcome tish, thought I heard geese or something at LOTL where Marge is also being blown about. It must feel like she is at sea with all that swaying around going on.
The LOTLowes nest would make you sea sick. At least EJ and Odin aren't being swayed about all over the place.
Does anyone hear someone pecking the mike? Is it Odin I wonder. /
Snap great minds and all that> Did you do that with Lindybird today alrerady?
Unknown said: Hello Alicat, Do we presume you are now home and feeling ok. Lovely to hear from you and what a lovely thought to send this photograph. We should be sending you the flowers.
Thanks for all your kind thoughts and warm wishes