Weekly Chat (all topics) Sunday, April 18. 2010

Hi all: Don't forget to check last few comments of last week's chat and a lovely photo from OG - of Loch Garten I assume. Alan: Wonderful close up of EJ on the last Daily Update. Thanks to everyone else for all the news from far and wide.

Just in from Earth Day event, which had a lot more transportation (electric/natural gas, etc) options on display this year, including bikes of all shapes and sizes (SB is a big bike town with lots of bike paths, even throughout downtown).  Spoke to a friend of a friend there who is setting up a raptor rescue center at the Natural History Museum; also the California Condor group who are trying to figure out how to set up a live cam at the condor feeding station in the back country. They're thinking maybe solar power, but then there's the problem of relaying the signal,etc.  If that's successful, they may try one at the nesting sites, but the problem is that condors don't nest in trees - they like caves, so a logistical hurdle for further down the road. Not to mention the "permit" hurdles, which are major given that the condors are still highly endangered.  In addition to the usual solar, green, organic farms, foods and other community display booths there was the usual band and "green" gifts area. Didn't buy anything but did visit my friend with his spiffy electric car and bumped into another friend - a "Master Gardener" at another booth where we sat and chatted for an hour.

All quiet on the LG and LOTL nests right now; doesn't look windy or wet.


  • Chloe and I have been visiting both the Welsh osprey nests. On Tuesday we had a great day visiting the Dyfi site.

    Tuesday 20th April 2010 was the day that Chloe and I visited the Dyfi Osprey project on what was a lovely sunny day.

    We met Heather and her mum at the Bondanw Arms at around 11am and from there we made our way to the Dyfi Osprey project. The journey took about 75 minutes.

    We were greeted by Emyr and the rest of the team. The offered us coffee and had a chat. We immediately learned a new word viz. philopatry. Apparently is the behaviour of young osprey particularly males to return to the place of their birth.

    We went down to the hide and had a look at the nest through binoculars. After that we went for a walk down down the walkways. The scenery was magnificent and the place was teeming with wildlife. The weather was very kind with wall to wall sunshine.

    We then came back to the centre and after a short while a shout went up “osprey”. We all piled out to find an osprey was loafing about on one of the electric poles.

    Then a guy called Clive (no not that Clive) turned up. I had a really interesting chat with him.

    Back in the osprey centre we had another chat and and topics varied far and wide from ovicycles to moths to the sex life of the boll weevil.

    Then after some more time another shout went up saying that the osprey now had a fish. Sure enough we could now see the osprey on another pole clearly eating a fish.

    There was an alert for another bird in the sky and Emyr identified it as a sparrowhawk.

    By this time it was near time for the centre to shut. However there was more excitement to come. This time it was a peregine soaring in the air. Emyr managed to get photos. Then finally an osprey soared high in the sky clearly carrying a fish. It was all so exciting.
    We then journeyed back to the Brynllydan hotel where we were staying. Once again the scenery was magnificent.  We had a lovely meal in the hotel where the food was magnificent.

    A day which we will never forget. The welcome we had at the Dyfi project was very special indeed. I have no hestitation in recommending it as a must visit on the osprey circuit.

  • Tiger - Thank you for sharing your fabulous day online - speaking from here in the cold and intermittently wet Highlands, I am so happy that you got the bonus of good weather.

  • Tiger sounds as though you have had a wonderful time.   Lucky you seeing an osprey with a fish, it must be wonderful to see one in the flesh.  So pleased now that ospreys are becoming so interesting for so many people, this can only be good for them.


  • Wrong blog I know but there is an update to the LOTL dirary and it looks as though things are looking better now.  In fact Y7 has started behaving like Odin and wants to brood the eggs sometimes for up to 2 hours so at least Madge can go fishing for herself.


  • Tiger, really sounds like a brilliant day out and a place to visit. So glad you were able to see the ospreys, including the fish. Thanks.

  • Thanks Tiger for your description of your day. Sounds like a great place to visit. We will be in North Wales in May but I think we are too far  away to visit Dyfi. Definately going to Glaslyn though.

  • Morning all:

    Tiger - what a lovely day you had, full of interesting and nifty events and conversations. Brilliant.

    Margobird: Many thanks for LOTL update; things looking up there too!

    Lindybird: My Mom was born in Cork in 1904 and we've had a Dickens of a time trying to get more info. I think things were pretty relaxed in Ireland with just baptismal records in some places that have since been lost in fires, moved around.  After my mother died, I had a vivid dream where she came to me and said "Don't let the children [her grandchildren] forget me," so I've taught them all kinds of naughty Gaelic expressions and related anecdotes wherever and whenever I can....   And yes, Patriciat: I think maybe interest in previous generations is something that comes with age; maybe it comes with the normal ups and downs of life and being able to remember our parents at that age that makes us wonder how they coped and what their circumstances were.  (Very convoluted sentence, that....)

    Much more peaceful morning here, if you don't include the fact that just as I sank into the couch with my coffee, Lightning threw up twice on the "new" carpet!  :-)    I'm on rose duty this morning with Brigadoon and Love and Peace; then perhaps to the gym since I did a llittle too much compensatory eating last night!  Then this afternoon OH and I are planning to go to the local art museum with has two exhibits - From India and Beyond and From Delacroix to Monet before he go on to dinner.

  • General interest query, to do with email addresses.

    Has anyone ever had an email addressed to them correctly, but intended for someone else with the same name? I was contacted by the recipient, a friend of mine from work, because he thought that I might know the intended recipient. If we use the name Joe Bloggs as an example, the rest of the facts are correct.

    joe.bloggs@yahoo.com gets several emails from a company in Sweden, giving news about the condolences expressed by the employees of that company, in respect of the death of their female employee/colleague, the real joe bloggs's wife. The company must have searched somewhere and got my friend's email address by mistake. My friend is not aware that he has made his email address available on any public database.

    Anyone experienced anything similar? If so I may include this risk, in my next Neghbourhood Watch newsletter to my group.

    (As it turns out the intended recipient, is not known to me, other than the fact that he is on a twig of a side branch of my family tree.)

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • If you look now the volcanocam has cloud clearing from the summit, as it has been cloudy all day, when I have been looking anyway. The plume is quite large and high, white in colour, so maybe a change has occurred, but not sure, however it was rather grey and dirty before.

    EDIT: Cloud cover now at 17.12, so nothing to see.

    ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site

    Sat track schedule Spring 2014

    LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies

  • jsb: Have no experience with what you mention re e-mail addresses. But have noticed a definite uptick in stuff in my "Spam" folder, which makes me wonder why and how....   Just checked the volcano-cam and see the white plume - page took a while to load.