Daily Update (LG Nest) Sunday, April 18 2010

  • Lindybird said:

    Thanks for that 1st pic of them, DjoanS.  I came in from the garden to find this pic of domestic bliss:


    Did he bring a fish by any chance?  anybody see one?



    Thanks for the pic Lindybird, what a well bonded couple they are.  Haven't seen metntion of a fish yet but she looks quite settled at the moment, bless her.  Well done beautiful EJ.


  • Thaks DjoanS for catching the precious moment.


  • Lindybird said:

    Notice that she can turn her head right around to the back, like an owl, to see all around her- how useful.



    Lindybird I was thinking that earlier, a lot of their head movements resembleowls. 


  • Hi Margo, There have been no fish deliveries since last night.  

  • I saw Odin bring in some moss at 10.58 and try to take over the egg. No wonder EJ wasn't going anywhere!! I then went out for a walk  so missed the laying! Hope for a third egg on Tuesday. Well done EJ.

    Libby  :o)

  • Afternoon all,

    I have been out and about this morning and I have just logged on. Delighted to see that a second egg has been laid. Thanks everyone for your reports and pics.

  • Unknown said:

    Hi Margo, There have been no fish deliveries since last night.  



     Brenda hope Odin going to oblige soon, EJ must be hungry.


  • It is great there are two eggs now! EJ looks very peaceful . Human babies recognize their mother's heart beat I am sure the  chicks recognize both  EJ and Odin's heart beats since they both  brood the eggs.

     I recall a couple of  incidents last year when Odin must have been followed to the nest  by an intruder. He started  alarm calling when he arrived at the nest. The  chicks immediately laid down  at his feet for security . They  may not  know he was their dad but they knew he was safe. 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Hello Barbara Jean it is a sight to make anyone happy at LG, EJ so peaceful and content.  I am sure the chicks recognise their parents.  Hoping Odin is going to oblige with a fish soon.  No doubt he will want to take his turn at incubating as well.


  • Just had my first view of the second egg.  Odin flew in, no fish though and is just standing on side of nest.  Thought he was going to take over incubation duties when EJ stood up and had a stretch but she has now sat down again.
