Lots of interesting posts on the previous threads. Thanks folks. EJ on nest/eggs right now. Doesn't look too windy. Marge on her eggs too.
I know, he's not quite got it so far has he. Wonder who his father was???
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
Maybe this is his first brood Soosin ? I'd wish both Marge AND EJ just two chicks this year Brenda I can't stand the rivalry - and last year, 'cos she had such a viable brood, (for a change) EJ went fishing before the girls fledged (never heard of before !) to give them the best chance on their migration. And Odin WAS a provider, but it wasn't enough.
Hi Cirrus have you had a good day. The photo of EJ that Alan put on brought a lump to my throat, just so beautiful. Such a shame she is sitting in the rain now.
Soosin I have been watchig LOTL and I had noticed she does look a bit uncomfortabe, perhaps another egg on its way as you say.
I HAVE had a good day Margobird, Thank you. Wall to wall sunshine and HOT and we did an outstanding walk all around Bristol Airport COS THEIR WERE NO AIRCRAFT FLYING - 12 miles. We wouldn't do this walk when the airport was open !! It was ideal and such a lovely hike. I hope your day was good?
ALSO .. yes, before I forget - we spotted a Crane flying around and around - qiute a 'coarse' sort of call - definitely a crane . What was that all about I ask myself. Never seen Cranes over Bristol before. Quite something.
Unknown said: Thanks Margo. It must be moments like this, that she thinks, 'What am I doing HERE ?'
Thanks Margo. It must be moments like this, that she thinks, 'What am I doing HERE ?'
Brenda it sounds as though the rain has eased slightly. I will probably be up quite a bit in the night as I never sleep particularly well when OH is away so I will be able to check on the weather. How sad is that but I hate to see her getting so wet, especially as thre might be another egg on the way.
Soosin just popped into LOTL again and they are both there at the moment. Thought Madge took off but she is back now and a lot of cheeping going on.
missed that, don't suppose he brought some fish, did he??
Cirrus glad you have had such a good day. I have enjoyed being able to spend so much time watching the goings on and just pleasing myself while OH is away. Horrible night at LG but it does seem a little less heavy than it was.
Soosin bit difficult to see so don't really know, it seemed a bit dark to be flying around.