Brilliant news. I knew it the minute I went to the live cam and saw EJ sitting. Hurray. A BIG THANK you to all posts, especially all the clever folks who linked to videos for those of us who missed it. Lovely. EJ is inspecting the egg right now - and has just settled down on it again. Have to pop out; then cook dinner and still haven't had a shower; back later.
Unknown said: EJ back. I don't see any fish.....She's pecking ever so gently at Odin as he sits on the eggs. Looks very domestic. Oooh and Up he gets; EJ inspects the eggs prior to settling down again. And off goes Odin.
EJ back. I don't see any fish.....She's pecking ever so gently at Odin as he sits on the eggs. Looks very domestic. Oooh and Up he gets; EJ inspects the eggs prior to settling down again. And off goes Odin.
And here's a photo to show Odin relinquishing the nest to EJ.
Smiles, Jan.
Well this is frustrating. I got MWSnap up and running and managed to snag an image of Marge at LOTL, but still get the black hole when I try LG!!! All very odd.
OK guys. That's it from me. Take care; g'night.
Morning All. (very quiet here as we live near Manchester Airport......) Wonderful news from the Night Shift that Odin has been doing his bit by sitting on the eggs. Hope all else goes according to plan.
I'm off now as have to go out, but many thanks to All who've posted info and pics.
Home improvement? Wife training?
my photos in flickr
This morn I only had time to read the great news before I dashed off to the bus. Many many thanks to the midwives who oversaw the successful delivery and posted details, pics & links.
Odin flies in with yet another branch Ej stands off the egg now I can't see the egg for Odin and his moving things about mood. They mate and off he goes.. Don't know how Ej can find the egg under all that grass and stuff!!!!!!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Thank you to Auntie and Wattle - very grateful for the pics. I trust it is mist that is making the photos indistinct and not volcanic ash !!!!!!!!! Well, then, we may well have egg two on Sunday ? Congrats to Marge and ? and 'our very own' EJ and Odin .
Hope you slept well last night Alicat - we were both up quite late.
Unknown said: Thank you to Auntie and Wattle - very grateful for the pics. I trust it is mist that is making the photos indistinct and not volcanic ash !!!!!!!!! Well, then, we may well have egg two on Sunday ? Congrats to Marge and ? and 'our very own' EJ and Odin . Hope you slept well last night Alicat - we were both up quite late.
Cirrus, it's the glare of the early morning sun on the camera lens causing the indistinct vision. It will improve as the sun moves higher.
Thanks Wattle. That's a relief. You CAN see the egg if you know where to look LoL :)