Daily Update (LG Nest) Thursday, April 15, 2010

Good grief! 12 pages yesterday. And most of them about the birds and the bees - or the birds. I'm copying Wattle's post (the last one on yesterday's Update thread) which may throw some light on the topic.  (Glad someone asked; I wasn't sure myself but you feel such a twit.....)

From Wattle: Now I've finished chuckling at all the posts, I'll answer the delicate question posed.  Generally, birds have just one multi-purpose opening, male and female, both under the tail.  The female holds her tail to one side, and the male curls his body forward  until there is, well, a 'bum kiss'!  It can be lightning fast and still be very effective.  ;-)  I say 'generally', because male ducks, swans etc can be more elaborately endowed, but females are always the same (I think).

Thank you Wattle, I think..... :-)

Oh, and the LG nest is empty; Marge is at LOTL