Morning all: LG nest is empty tonight; low light is on. Marge is on the LOTL nest (presumably on egg).
Hey Wattle, saw your last post of yesterday and I've also had problems getting on the site today, but all okay now. Interesting about the additional problem you had in receiving only about half the notifications of posts compared to the actual number that appeared on the site! Hmm. Wonder what all that was about.
Tiger: Are you taking bets on the first egg arriving today? As you said, Watch This Space"
Sandy you are right they are so beautiful and majestic.
Hi Margo, he is definitely not on his knees yet, but poor EJ !!
I have just found the page in Roy's book, (P 64) which says that ' there are in the order 160-190 copulations -- of which about 40% are successful. ---- copulation reaches a peak about 4 to 8 days before the first egg is laid.
Last sequence including mating for those of you who missed it:
Nice one Alan, seeing it again, and knowing what was about to happen, made me notice how he put his leg back as if to do a run-up ;)) Did you get one of The Fish?
Terry in Cumbria
Morning all: While I was on last night I noticed the buzz suddenly got louder - hadn't done anything on the computer but it did make me turn the volume down. Thanks for comments and speculations about LG nest doings today - sounds busy as ever. Margobird: Thanks also for the info on LOTL; let's hope the male gets organized soon re egg-sitting. Does he have a name?
Off to find some breakfast.
TerryM : I am sorry I did not record the Fish being brought in. I had just come in from the garden and saw Odin bring it in but did not have time to record the sequence.
________ and again.
EJ on nest and hearing a crow raven or rook!!!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Mmmm - Ravens taking exception to Ospreys. OK they are flying off now.