Hallo all:
Soosin posted the following about her Saturday and various bird sightings, etc., at the very end of the last Daily Update, so I'm copying it here otherwise no-one will see them (she saw mating kingfishers!). And Alan posted some new links, which are also here (Hope that was okay Soosin and Alan).
From Soosin: Just in from a day in Galloway visiting rellies. What weather, fantastic, Saw mating kingfishers at Cumstoun Bridge, Kirkcudbright. and an Osprey on tje nest at Threave Castle our first house martins of the year and possible first swallow but in car and couldn't be sure. Spring definitely here. whooopeee Great to catch up with all your obs and pics from throughout day. So, they still seem to be sharing, aahh, how nice. Empty nest looking well padded with moss with the night vision on it. Someone mentioned a new blog. off to read that now. Be out all day again tomorrow. on the hill hoping for Ring Ousel
From Alan: Nesting calendars for Owls and Hawks, International falcons and US falcons have been updated. http://peregrinefalcon-bcaw.net/viewforum.php?f=6
New Forest Goshawks have at least 2 eggs now. http://www.newforestgateway.org/Wildcam/LiveCameras/tabid/117/Default.aspx
jsb: Thanks for the link to to Capercaille call - was it you who said it wasn't one you could whistle to? Right!
Annette thanks for copying last week's here.
Stunning photographs Annette.
Afternoon Lincybird nice joke. I do the same and trawl through everything but feel I must do it in case I miss anything.
Unknown said: Morning all , Thanks for you Currant affairs joke Lindybird. Annette : Great pics of the flowers, the one in the trees reminds me of the bluebell woods here in UK. There now follows an election broadcast on behalf of the OSPREY party. Vote OSPREY and we will guarantee the following: Automatic stick collection. Moss removal from all gardens. Winter spent in Africa including return flights. FREE FISH FOR EVERYONE!!!! Vote OSPREY and raise your aspirations above ground level. Remember THE SKYS THE LIMIT. VOTE OSPREY!!!!!
Morning all ,
Thanks for you Currant affairs joke Lindybird.
Annette : Great pics of the flowers, the one in the trees reminds me of the bluebell woods here in UK.
There now follows an election broadcast on behalf of the OSPREY party.
Vote OSPREY and we will guarantee the following:
Vote OSPREY and raise your aspirations above ground level.
Alan have only just caught up with things and this really gave me a laugh, better than the real general election.
Annette Some 16 hours later, what fabulous pictures. That looks like a scary road! Some years ago I visited relatives in the Columbia Valley, British Columbia. My cousin took me sightseeing in her husband's beloved European car (Audi) and we went up a road which looked just like that (without the flowers). It was alonsidde a creek and for the first half-mile or so, there were concrete walls at the worst corners. Then it wasn't even surfaced - I was fervently praying that we wouldn't meet a truck!
Barbara Jean: I think it was you on the last Daily Chat that mentioned watching the Masters' Golf Tournie on the laptop - you mentioned the birds in Augusta. I had the same thing here: Every time they showed play on that one hole, I could hear those birds. I kept thinking they were in our backyard and it took a few times before I realized they were on the telly.
Very cold, blustery, and wet here tonight - wind gusts up to 65mph just an hour or so up the road. Have just lit a fire.
Two interesting thing about Augusta. Every hole is named after a flower and the appropiate flowers are planted around that door. From memory the 10th is called camelia.
The tournament is sceduled to coincide with the flowers being at their best.
Tiger Signature
Morning All. Start of another week of Osprey Watching.
Here is something to make you smile, to start the day:
(sent to me by a friend, don't know the dog!)
Ooh Lindybird That's just so cute!
Tiger: We watched the Golf tournament until late last night, as my Husband was very much excited by the thought that a Brit might win for once, but not to be. Enjoyed some great golf, though, and the grounds at Augusta are just immaculate. I said "I imagine that 1st thing in the morning, the Groundsman in charge looks at all the blades of grass and says 'Eyes Right, Left Turn' before going to inspect the flowers individually." It was great to hear all the bird calls, and some of them are so pretty, when they take the time to turn the cameras on them.