Hallo all:
Soosin posted the following about her Saturday and various bird sightings, etc., at the very end of the last Daily Update, so I'm copying it here otherwise no-one will see them (she saw mating kingfishers!). And Alan posted some new links, which are also here (Hope that was okay Soosin and Alan).
From Soosin: Just in from a day in Galloway visiting rellies. What weather, fantastic, Saw mating kingfishers at Cumstoun Bridge, Kirkcudbright. and an Osprey on tje nest at Threave Castle our first house martins of the year and possible first swallow but in car and couldn't be sure. Spring definitely here. whooopeee Great to catch up with all your obs and pics from throughout day. So, they still seem to be sharing, aahh, how nice. Empty nest looking well padded with moss with the night vision on it. Someone mentioned a new blog. off to read that now. Be out all day again tomorrow. on the hill hoping for Ring Ousel
From Alan: Nesting calendars for Owls and Hawks, International falcons and US falcons have been updated. http://peregrinefalcon-bcaw.net/viewforum.php?f=6
New Forest Goshawks have at least 2 eggs now. http://www.newforestgateway.org/Wildcam/LiveCameras/tabid/117/Default.aspx
jsb: Thanks for the link to to Capercaille call - was it you who said it wasn't one you could whistle to? Right!
Good morning Lindybird, nice bright morning here but frost first thing. Know what you mean about the saturation of election coverage. It really winds me up. Other things are going on in the worled but it seems non-stop election, election, election. I tend to look into the news about half way through when there is other news. They can do all the polls they want but I never take a lot of notice of them, they are so often wrong.
Hope you will get good neighbours next door to you.
Have a good day.
Determined to get this done this morning – work can wait! Among pictures from last week, special thanks Annette for the Californian Poppies and Lupines (we call them Lupins without the “e”) and Lightening watching the washing.
This is all coming out in no particular order as I remember things! Has anyone seen/heard anything from Maureen recently? I keep thinking of her. Sorry to hear about various sinuses, skin rashes, coughs, rellies and friends stuck in airports – and sick doggies. Congratulations on the various anniversaries this week and coming up soon – why do so many get married in April?
Thanks, everyone, for the welcome back – and comments on photos – will put some others on soon. It was great to meet David, Caroline, Paul, Izzy and others at LG – most of them look so young, but then most people do these days!! Lisi’s at Aviemore never seemed to be open while we were there, but we had an excellent dinner with Son at The Garth Hotel in Grantown and the next day the two of us ate in Carrbridge. We both put on two kilograms whilst away!
Annette – pleased you got your change of roses – nice ones, too. The Peace family seem to be very strong and consistent. Diane – your apple blossom sounds wonderful – but you can keep your high temps! We now have violets blooming – at the same time as the spring bulbs continue! Thanks for links to fireball reports. Dibnlib – pleased you saw plenty of birds at Nairn, despite the “atmosphere”. We saw Golden Eagles on the road down from Loch Katrine to Dunblane – and also one of the Red Kites at Argaty – will go there again when the R K Centre is open (although we do have them in Galloway too). Patriciat – I seem to have noticed a reference to some prize-winning with Tweed last weekend – well done! AQ – glad nothing dire happened in the earthquake – this old earth is certainly shaking us up right now! Could the earthquake be related to the exceptional autumn temperatures? Funny, we don’t think of quakes in Australia – suppose its because there hasn’t been a really big one – a bit like the UK having a high number of tornadoes but they are not very dramatic, so don’t make the news!
Will end with a picture of Loch Katrine last Sunday - we didn't walk far out along the lochside, will try again with scooter! - woops, too big to upload!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Good morning aquilareen that must have been a bit of a suprise for you. It is a strange feeling I know. When I was in the army and stationed in Malta there was a minor earthquake. Room shook and the bell started clanging away in the bell tower. I thought I had had too much to drink that night and was quite relieved the following morning on finding out what it was.
Lovely pic of the barn owlsw DjoanS I would think there will be some eggs here soon. So much to watch isn't there.
Good morning original goldfinch and such a lovely photo of the blue tit. They are such pretty birds.
Glad your pictures look good. Know what you mean about ironing after a holiday it is quite daunting.
Have a good day and hopefully you will have time to watch EJ and Odin.
Good morning Alan thanks for the kestrel pic. Was looking yesterday and they really have marvellous marking. Would you believe it but we had a slight frost this morning. Sun out but still very chilly.
Happy anniversary Annette hope you enjoyed your meal. Great picture of your cat they are so inquisitive.
The trouble with housework is you get rid of the dust, hoover and wthing half an hour all the dust seems to have come back.
Cirrus, I think you use Firefox? Now we're all getting the choice of which browser to use I was wondering about trying one other than IE. How is it different? I think I might just change, I can always change again!
Truck dude followers - of course I know really that he travels miles and miles, just seemed funny that suddenly he's in a completely different corner of the map ;)) Nice to see another pic of Lightning, Annette. We haven't seen many pet pic recently.
Hope you survive the earthquake AQ!
Terry in Cumbria
I am back in circulation after entertaining my French relatives for a few days, I think they must have worn out the streets of London. They returned via the Channel Tunnel Shuttle by car, so avoiding the problem of being stuck here, as some people are. The children collected some souvenirs of UK and seemed most of all fascinated by our Royal family.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
Unknown said: Truck dude followers - of course I know really that he travels miles and miles, just seemed funny that suddenly he's in a completely different corner of the map ;))
Truck dude followers - of course I know really that he travels miles and miles, just seemed funny that suddenly he's in a completely different corner of the map ;))
He is still in same general area - are you confusing Washington State (west) with Washington DC (east)? Currently, he is enjoying (we hope) time off in Idaho.