Weekly Chat (all topics), Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hallo all: 

Soosin posted the following about her Saturday and various bird sightings, etc.,  at the very end of the last Daily Update, so I'm copying it here otherwise no-one will see them (she saw mating kingfishers!). And Alan posted some new links, which are also here (Hope that was okay Soosin and Alan).

From Soosin: Just in from a day in Galloway visiting rellies.  What weather, fantastic,  Saw mating kingfishers at Cumstoun Bridge, Kirkcudbright. and an Osprey on tje nest at Threave Castle our first house martins of the year and possible first swallow but in car and couldn't be sure.  Spring definitely here. whooopeee  Great to catch up with all your obs and pics from throughout day. So, they still seem to be sharing, aahh, how nice. Empty nest looking well padded with moss with  the night vision on it.  Someone mentioned a new blog.  off to read that now. Be out all day again tomorrow. on the hill hoping for Ring Ousel

From Alan: Nesting calendars for Owls and Hawks, International falcons and US falcons have been updated. http://peregrinefalcon-bcaw.net/viewforum.php?f=6

New Forest Goshawks have at least 2 eggs now. http://www.newforestgateway.org/Wildcam/LiveCameras/tabid/117/Default.aspx

jsb: Thanks for the link to to Capercaille call - was it you who said it wasn't one you could whistle to?  Right!

  • Thanks Diane   Nice of you to think of us - I think we are all OK at present, only those in the very far north and outlying islands affected so far.  All airlines grounded tho, as a precaution & theyve just announced that it will last until at least tomorrow lunchtime.

    Do go over to the Daily Page, and the webcam as we HAVE AN EGG!!

    DIANE there have been reports from those living in Shetland saying that the air smells like rotton eggs. I hope that it doesn't linger too long as it must be horrendous

  • dibnlib said:

    TIGER  these are 2 rescued baby red sqirrels whose drey was blown down in the wind. I took it from Scotlands pictures which are posted on the Scotland news page every Friday. I often use them as a desk top and now we have a new camera we may send some of ours off


    Dibnib:  If you look at your picture carefully, you'll see there are 3 babies, not 2.  ;-)

    Smiles, Jan.

  •  Thanks Diane for your thoughts. Also thanks for the fireball video and the news reports. I am sure it must have been frightening for those who saw and heard it, when they didn't know what was happening. Fantastic to see though, when you know what you are watching. 

  • Wattle15 said:

    Dibnib:  If you look at your picture carefully, you'll see there are 3 babies, not 2.  ;-)

    I thought there were three!!!  Glad it's not just my eyes!

    As I said when I set out, I am not even attempting to catch up with eight days chatting!  I have been reading through just yesterday and today, and am quite confused by what is making its way onto the daily and what remains on the weekly thread!  We had a good time away.  Took George’s advice and went to Loch Leven’s Larder (such choice of goodies, we shared two different bakes!) and to RSPB Vane Farm when we had free time on Friday.  We also visited Loch Katrine on Sunday – really warm and sunny.  Were quite busy when we moved on to G-o-S and Son’s flat, but had a great afternoon at Loch Garten on Tuesday while he was working.

     Two in the tree ... hope you can see EJ part way down.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good evening to everyone.  What excitement.  I came home from work at about 6pm, checked the nest, took one look at EJ and thought she was trying to squat!  Definitely looked like she was making sure the egg cup was comfortable and well padded.  Lo and behold, an egg an hour or so later.  I missed it as I was busy with food shopping mission, dinner preparation,etc but am delighted and celebrating with a small glass of Australian Chardonnay which was half price in our favourite Osprey supporting store.  Thank you very much to everyone who keeps the daily update going.  Its a wonderful way for the workers to relax in the evening catching up on the events of the day.  Nice to see more and more of the folks from last year back on this and the main blog.  Look forward to reading about further developments tomorrow evening and during the weekend.  Hi OG.  Sounds like you had a really good time while you were away from home and the LG team certainly appreciated your cake delivery.

  • Hi OG,  So glad you enjoyed your holiday and thank you for your photograph of EJ and Odin on the dead tree. I always like to think they are sitting together and not so far apart.

  • Great pic, OG!!  Lovely to see them together on the tree.   Night all from me.

  • OG - glad you enjoyed your holiday - lovely pic ... I am green with envy that you saw them 'for real'!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • I have just put on Daily Page that Richard has just added his own confirmation of EJ's egg !!!

  • Next egg Sunday?  It was a three day gap each time last year.  EJ seems wonderfully calm and ready to begin the mothering bit - come on, Odin, fishing is definitely down to you now!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!