Hallo all:
Soosin posted the following about her Saturday and various bird sightings, etc., at the very end of the last Daily Update, so I'm copying it here otherwise no-one will see them (she saw mating kingfishers!). And Alan posted some new links, which are also here (Hope that was okay Soosin and Alan).
From Soosin: Just in from a day in Galloway visiting rellies. What weather, fantastic, Saw mating kingfishers at Cumstoun Bridge, Kirkcudbright. and an Osprey on tje nest at Threave Castle our first house martins of the year and possible first swallow but in car and couldn't be sure. Spring definitely here. whooopeee Great to catch up with all your obs and pics from throughout day. So, they still seem to be sharing, aahh, how nice. Empty nest looking well padded with moss with the night vision on it. Someone mentioned a new blog. off to read that now. Be out all day again tomorrow. on the hill hoping for Ring Ousel
From Alan: Nesting calendars for Owls and Hawks, International falcons and US falcons have been updated. http://peregrinefalcon-bcaw.net/viewforum.php?f=6
New Forest Goshawks have at least 2 eggs now. http://www.newforestgateway.org/Wildcam/LiveCameras/tabid/117/Default.aspx
jsb: Thanks for the link to to Capercaille call - was it you who said it wasn't one you could whistle to? Right!
Good morning Alan so glad Hamish will be more than welcome at the Lakes. In this area dogs are banned from so many places during the summer months, especially on beaches. Such a shame because it is such fun to see a dog enjoying the sea.
Good morning dibnlib sorry I am muddled again and thanked Chloe for the pics ot the red aquirrels. They are absolutely gorgeous.
Thanks Alan for the link to the kestrel cam.
Afternoon everyone from TI,
Thanks for all the overnight chat, pics links etc. Too many to reply to individually.
This morning, despite the cloud of volcanic ash over the UK, I visited Rutland Water to get my "live" osprey fix. Once again it was freezing with temp around 8c and the wind coming off the water. I did however get great views of 5R and mrs no ring from the Waderscrape hide. I saw them mating about 3 or 4 times and taking small flights from the nest to another perch close by. After watching for about an hour I walked back to the Lyndon visitor centre and on the way saw a magnificent red kite floating above the fields.
Afternoon all - what a day for me! Went out early to the hairdresser & while there heard about the volcanic ash affecting all flights in the UK. My partner is due back from Canada today - his flight was due into Heathrow at lunchtime but I've just had a text to say he's still in Calgary!
Its taken me ages to read through all the post here & on the daily pages - lovely pics and interesting chat.
Cold and cloudy here so I think I'll give the gardening a miss today
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Good afternoon DjoanS sorry your OH is stuck in Canada. Nature causing all sorts of problems again. I watched the news at lunchtime and they are not sure if the airspace will be open tonight, saying it could be tomorrow.
Cold and quite cloudy here in Poole so I am not gardening today.
Good afternoon Alan sounds like a good morning even thought it was cold. The wind is freezing here too.
Margobird : The sun has come out here now but still a cold breeze when I was out with Hamish. I think I might venture outside now to the sheltered side of the garden.
Alan sun out here now but still very chilly.
LOTL diary has been updated and it is a bit disturbing. I have been worried about the egg left unattended and it appears the male is confused about his role. Must be really worrying for them. Although I have now seen him sitting on the egg I wonder it has come too late.
Owls and Hawks nesting calendar has been updated:
Kestrels nesting calendar has also been updated: