Hallo all:
Soosin posted the following about her Saturday and various bird sightings, etc., at the very end of the last Daily Update, so I'm copying it here otherwise no-one will see them (she saw mating kingfishers!). And Alan posted some new links, which are also here (Hope that was okay Soosin and Alan).
From Soosin: Just in from a day in Galloway visiting rellies. What weather, fantastic, Saw mating kingfishers at Cumstoun Bridge, Kirkcudbright. and an Osprey on tje nest at Threave Castle our first house martins of the year and possible first swallow but in car and couldn't be sure. Spring definitely here. whooopeee Great to catch up with all your obs and pics from throughout day. So, they still seem to be sharing, aahh, how nice. Empty nest looking well padded with moss with the night vision on it. Someone mentioned a new blog. off to read that now. Be out all day again tomorrow. on the hill hoping for Ring Ousel
From Alan: Nesting calendars for Owls and Hawks, International falcons and US falcons have been updated. http://peregrinefalcon-bcaw.net/viewforum.php?f=6
New Forest Goshawks have at least 2 eggs now. http://www.newforestgateway.org/Wildcam/LiveCameras/tabid/117/Default.aspx
jsb: Thanks for the link to to Capercaille call - was it you who said it wasn't one you could whistle to? Right!
Unknown said: That's nice that the owner let you in the house. I bet that must've felt weird.
That's nice that the owner let you in the house. I bet that must've felt weird.
Yes, so much was the same - the old mulberry tree I played in, many shrubs & fruit trees, the old tumbling down sheds & out-buildings, and inside the house the fireplaces, old door plates & room arrangements were as I remembered. Yet there was a new window overlooking the valley (great view, love it), the garden was being terraced (bleah, my lovely garden bed - we each had our own) and if I looked closely the tumbling-downs were very poor condition. I came away with mixed feelings. I know it can't stay the same. Perhaps I was more startled that so much was the same.
I have been trying to scribble down my "memoirs" for the grandkids (who cannot imagine life before TV, computers, internet, mobile phones, etc). So far I have tackled the memories of growing up on the farm. I have yet to get to the boarding school years. Oh horrors, I realize now how homesick I was. Probably influenced my view of "gaol". BTW, how did we manage in those old days? Ah, we had time for jigsaw puzzles and games. . .
Gosh this day seems long, waiting for dawn over LG. I see EJ standing guard on the nest in the dark.
Yes, EJ looks very alert.
I didn't go to boarding school, but went to a Catholic school that did take boarders. Jigsaw puzzles, games - and the radio!!
Just made a note on the Daily Update page about that super bright light that just came on.
Annette. On the 98th anniversary of the Titanic is the egg laying day?
Tiger Signature
Unknown said: I read a book a few years back - and of course can't remember the name (I think maybe it was an autobiography) about a girl who was raised on a farm and sent to Sydney to school. Fat help, aren't I? It was really good (now it'll drive me crazy trying to remember it).
I read a book a few years back - and of course can't remember the name (I think maybe it was an autobiography) about a girl who was raised on a farm and sent to Sydney to school. Fat help, aren't I? It was really good (now it'll drive me crazy trying to remember it).
Annette, I immediately thought of two books which were also made into movies. The first is Bryce Courtenay's 'Jessica'. the second is "My Brilliant Career', about a young girl who is very strong-willed and non-conformist, growing up in the country. The family decide to bring her into line by sending her away to boarding school. She later goes on to be a writer. Do either of these ring a bell?
Smiles, Jan.
dibnlib said: LINDYBIRD hope you like these 2 little angels
LINDYBIRD hope you like these 2 little angels
dibnlib What are these little beauties?
Wattle: Well it very well could've been My Brilliant Career. I know I've seen the movie. but didn't remember reading the book, which is not to say I haven't. It was some years back. I'll check out the book at the library and take a look and see if that's the one. Thank you!!
Annette: Try this link. http://www.fullbooks.com/My-Brilliant-Career.html It might save you a trip to the library!
Aquilareen The farm owned by the family who took part in the exchange seemed to be cattle and sheep, also wasn't as green as I would have expected a wine-growing area to be, so I would think it must be pretty much like the place you grew up. Great to know what the general area is like, though.