Morning/evening all: A ways to go before dawn at LG, but nest is brightly lit again
Odin returns for yet another mating and leaves again.
Morning Wattle. I think we are all hoping that, that is the answer to this morning's behaviour.
Odin and EJ share a moment
Odin returns with branch for nest. Lovely morning, though windy, at nest.
Edit, Mating again.
Good morning all and sorry can;t mention everyone by name but so grateful for the news re EJ and Odin and what a joy to read he is back to his old self and obviously getting the hang ot things again. Had only been logged in for a short time and he was at it twice in fairly quick time. Making really sure now that EJ is his lady and he is not sharing her with anyone although so sweet to read they have been sharing fish, and hehas been bringing flowers in for her. That's the Odin we know and he is very handsome. I just love their eyes when you get a head on view of them, they are magnificent. Still seems quite windy at LG but ther sun is shining for them and it must be warmer.
Thanks for all the info, pics and info regarding lots of things. Some wonderful screen shots of the peregrine chicks and also of EJ and Odin together.
Have a good day all and enjoy ethe ospreys.
Nest now empty and I must do some HW.
Morning BrendaH come back they are both on the nest at the moment. You will probably think i am completely mad but I got up at 5.45 and got stuck into the housework. Only osprey watching would make me do this. Hope you can get back soon.
Have now got the laptop in the kitchen so I can hear if anything is happening. Sounds like rain dripping on camera. For those keeping count, there has been another mating !
Hi Margo, I was still in my bed at that hour.
Afternoon everyone,
Glad to see all is well at LG and LOTL this morning. I was out and about on another Tesco shopping mission. Great to see that the Glaslyn pair have their first egg and the way things are going it wont be long until the first one at LG.
Hi Alan, Great news about the Glaslyn pair.
Yet another mating here. No more fish though.
Good afternoon Alan and good news about Glaslyn. I think you are right about EJ and Odin having an egg soon, he has certainly been attentive this morning. I was pleased to see that the male seems to be spending more time at LOTL. It has been quite stressful to se her sitting all alone and looking for him. Managed to see them both this morning.
Hope your weather is as nice as ours here in Poole, after a chilly start now sunny and warm, just what we need with a bit of luck should be able to mow the grass by the weekend now it is drying out.