Start of a new day at Loch Garten
Tiger Signature
Oh I'm so confused! I had worked out that EJ had a bigger white stripe at the edge of her wings but the bird I thought was Odin is now calling. I can only be sure when they're mating - andd let's face it, that happens often enough!
Soosin said: The camera gone fuzzy again. Same as last night. Odd, is it the night light coming on or something???
The camera gone fuzzy again. Same as last night. Odd, is it the night light coming on or something???
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
LOL Tish - red - just tea - its only wednesday
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
I wonder if Odin will return before it gets too dark!!
And EJ has left the nest!!!
Evening everyone. We have no eggs, no chicks and yet the Osprey watching is still exciting. Thank you for your updates. Its so good to know that even when I am busy, I can log on and catch up with ease safe in the knowledge that there are enough observers out there posting and keeping everyone informed. I am very grateful.
Emma Peel
It's such a hard job reporting the happenings on the nest but you just have to knuckle down and get on with it. (joking)
Oh the trials and tribulations Tish lol. , I;m off now, looking forward to everyones obs, tomorrow night.
Night all
Goodnight Soosin and Tish. Thanks for doing most of the observations today.
And a thank you for all the pics today as well. What will tomorrow bring.???