Start of a new day at Loch Garten
Tiger Signature
Well that shut her up!!!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Left the nest and immediately returned to mate. Maybe she wasn''t asking for fish lol
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
I just came in, and she's certainly complaining about something...
EDIT; Whoops, he flew off, just to return and mate again!
Nag nag nag, all she does is nag... Can't a guy get some rest?
And now I see it worked, he's off lol
EJ obviously wasn't nagging for a fish!!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Clever you!!! Good caption as well!! lol
EJ constantly calling, and Odin was starting to look at bit more watchful. It now looks as if Odin could do with a quick nap. He's got that expression on his face that seems to say: "Okay, Okay, I'm listening. Look, I'll get more fish. I promise." Then with his usual powers of persuasion; they give a graphic demonstration of who's who, and he flies away. EJ now calling again. LG looks lovely in the evening light.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Darkness descending on LG now it seems. What a brilliant evening they've had up there . Wonder if Odin's gone for a sleep or a fish. We;ve only heard her for a few hours, He's probably been having to listen to her incessant 'talk' since he arrived. No wonder he looks tired.
The camera gone fuzzy again. Same as last night. Odd, is it the night vision coming on or something???
Just switched to night-vision. EJ still calling.