Daily Update (LG Nest) Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Not sure how much I'll see tonight, given computer problems. Can't see any wind action at LG - don't know if it's calm or of the image is frozen!

  • Harumph!  seems to me that EJ is looking out for herself and the nest is NOT being built up. It's certainly not ready for eggs. Odin is just getting it on when he can and I have no idea why EJ is putting up with it. That's my penny worth. Bed calls. Nite all

  • I think the  "Ospreys know  best" is the apropiate maxim here!  After all EJ put up with OVS for all of 9 years.

  • Another question is  does any one know if the male  brings fish "to a  tree" for the  female?   We know he hasn't been  bringing fish to the nest. She food begged for  two days before she  decided to  fish for herself.

    And David commented that  EJ was in a tree near the nest  eating a fish that  she caught 

    Yesterday when Odin  came to the nest with a fish and started eating it , EJ had a fish that she had caught. She  got aggressive when he came near her and her fish. 

    There also has been very little mating today 

    This isn't looking good to me . Maybe I am worrying for nothing . 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Unknown said:

    I'm sorry, have I missed something. How do we know that Odin isn't catching fish for EJ?

    Well, initially, EJ was primarily staying on the nest. I personally watched hours of loud food soliciting, which went unanswered by Odin. Many mating attempts occurred and were witnessed, but fish were not brought in. We saw one side of the ritual, but not the other. After a long period of not receiving any fish, she left the nest. Also, this was David's (at LG) comment on the blog:

    "Just to let you all know EJ is sitting on the camera tree munching a fish she caught earlier, Odin has been out and about since this morning, probably fishing but also getting some peace and quiet!"

    So that suggested to me that she is doing most of her own fishing. But you're correct that my comments were speculative, and right after posting, I edited to acknowledge that we can't know for certain what is happening out of our view.


    Thanks for your reply, Diane. Your points are, as always, well made and apposite.

    I sometimes wonder if we can suffer from having a selective memory when it comes to the events of last year. Consequently, I like to re-read blogs from previous years in order to make sure of the goings-on that occured - it's always illuminating and often quite surprising (did you remember that we had no sound this time last year - I certainly didn't). I agree that we probably saw slightly more of Odin at this time last year, but I seem to remember that his reputation as a star performer stemmed mainly from the gushing blogs of the LG staff, rather than from what we witnessed on the nest cam, part of which must have been down to the fact that he wasn't OVS.

    We also need to factor in the situation that he faced last year. As a new male on the block, he had to win the affections of EJ and prove to her that he was a worthy partner. As part of an established pair he doesn't have to perform up to those standards in order to win over EJ this time round (as her immediate acceptance of him on Saturday night proved). One thing we can all agree on is that he is certainly performing his primary function with great vigour and regularity - passing on his precious genes by mating as often as possible.

    We should never forget that we are limited to the view from a fixed camera focussing solely on the nest and for news of wider events at LG we rely on the blogs of the staff. Only those on the ground can confirm what is really occuring there, and from the tone of the blogs so far I for one am pretty sanguine about things.

    Finally, regarding fish. Can you remind me who posted a photo the other day which not only showed EJ's tummy roll but stuck an arrow on it to highlight it? Their name escapes me!   ;-))

    All I will say is that any bird that leaves a half-eaten fish on the nest, and yes it is still there now at 22:54 BST, is not about to starve.

    I realise that we are all desperate for another hugely successful season like last year, and look for any slight anomaly that might precipitate some unwelcome outcome. Three days after the completion of Odin's marathon migration I think is too soon to start complaining about his performance. Let's cut the bloke some slack and we'll see in the fullness of time whether he can deliver the goods when it really matters.

  • I really do not see how there is anything to worry about. There have been many worse situations that fledged a full complement of chicks.

    Also be reminded of how bad it can get in the 2007 blog. See http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/blogs/lochgartenospreys/archive/2007/03.aspx

  • Hazel b said:

    I really do not see how there is anything to worry about. There have been many worse situations that fledged a full complement of chicks.

    I totally agree!

    While we're trying to ease everybody's worries, I have another point:  There have been some comments about possible noise from the cable-laying process disturbing EJ and Odin.  May I remind those worried on that score that the work started before the arrival of the ospreys at the Centre end of the project, and Richard had reported that it was about half way to completion, with back-filling and restoration work done as work progressed, all before the snow set in.  That means that ANY noise from that would be at least 2.5 miles away from the centre, so would be extrememly unlikely to disturb the birds, who are used to the activity of humans at much closer quarters than that.  

    Smiles, Jan.

  • On the Weekly thread I have posted pics I took of LOTL and LG nests in 2008.

  • DJOANS.. LG is well worth a visit if you get the chance. It is a great set up with plenty of telescopes and binoculars and experts on hand. Also has 4 live video pictures. Plenty of other birds and red squirrels to see as well. Good walks all round as you can imagine. The cost for an adult at LG if you are not a member is only £3. Personally I think people would pay a lot more. There are people who stay all day  and I once met a couple from the Midands who had spent most of their 2 week holiday there. 
