Not sure how much I'll see tonight, given computer problems. Can't see any wind action at LG - don't know if it's calm or of the image is frozen!
He really is doing some serious housework isn`t he :)
my photos in flickr
Thanks for the fab pics and so glad they are around, Phew!!!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
What blog? Where is it?
Checking this pic against Alan's - IS this ODIN?
Looks like EJ to me Cirrus>
Welll Tish - it's not the Official Blog that's still dated Sunday 4th. I've no idea what blog they are talking about.
Well, I thought so too when I looked i on the Video Tish. But, it does look remarkably like Alan's pic. Do you think he's got it wrong? Can't see a leg ring, which woulld clinch the matter.
Cirrus and Tish - the Blog referred to where David mentioned EJ eating fish in tree is among the comments on his Sunday "official blog" Timed at 15.58 this afternoon.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
i just had to go out and shoot a chaffinch (joking of course) But that handsome male chaffinch has not been quiet all day long and it's s boring single note twitter!!!!!!
Cirrus I still think it EJ Odin has more dark stripes on his head I think!!
Cirrus: Viewing conditions aren't the best at the moment, but I'm reasonably certain that on some occasions recently another un-ringed male has landed on the nest.