Not sure how much I'll see tonight, given computer problems. Can't see any wind action at LG - don't know if it's calm or of the image is frozen!
Good aftrnoon all, back in residence now I seem to have missed quite a bit while I have been out. A bit worried about them not being on the nest since early this morning but as others have said perhaps they are somewhere out of the ferocious wind. Caught a few glimses of EJ yesterday morning and she was really being blown around.
Stan thanks for the photos I too like the one of EJ.
The observations of mating are quite amusing (although not for EJ and Odin) in all that wind. Also Diane the "quickie" remark made me smile. It is always is a quick process isn't it but as long as it does the job who are we to criticise his lovemaking.pAUL
Thanks to everyone else for all the news and pics, always very welcome when I have been off line for a while. Don't have to go out anymore this week so will just dedicate my spare time (after housework etc of course) to osprey watching.
Paul so glad Odin helped you out in determing male from female for your father. He chose to do it at just the right time for you.
Have a good afternoon all.
Just come back in and still an empty nest>>!"!!
Did have a giggle at Pauls get out for not telling his Dad!!!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
3.15pm and nest is still void of osprey.
I just loved your ID story Paul.
I watched the nest for a long time this morning. EJ and Odin weren't able to fish because of the terrible gusting wind, and many of us thought that they were guarding the nest from a real or perceived threat. If the wind has continued, they may be having a lot of trouble fishing. EJ needs to eat to be in egg-laying condition. So that may be why the nest has remained empty for so long. Fishing may be the priority now. Loved your story, Paul.
Odin just flied to the nest followed by EJ who had (headless) fish in her talons. And they both left nest almost immediately
my photos in flickr
Just saw two Ospreys and one fish on nest - sooooo pleased! Only looked in just before they left, so no definite ID, but fairly happy it was EJ (with fish) and Odin. She held on to fish as they flew off together.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Quite a good sized fish I think
On the blog David says EJ is sitting in a tree munching her fish! So glad to hear they are around ... and 'see' thanks to your pics auntie!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Morning all: Another busy morning with lots of speculation I see. I also see EJ on the nest - and the image isn't frozen. Hurray! Thanks for all pix and posts everyone.
Hi there Stan: Great photos; thank you.
Odin the Magnificent: