Not sure how much I'll see tonight, given computer problems. Can't see any wind action at LG - don't know if it's calm or of the image is frozen!
They look like they are not speaking. LOL. Just a thought - No fish - Does that mean the honeymoon is over?
Ej & Odin are on the nest looking up and standing guard . There must be an intruder in the area.
I guess there is no intruder .They had a "quickie " and his left
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Why was EJ mantling? Was she being defensive with Odin or are both of them watching an intruder?
While I'm getting my bird windows sorted, another mating. Odin leaves
He is back standing guard on the edge of the nest and scanning the area . He is spending a long time on the nest looking in the same direction. He has his back to EJ . She is watching the same direction as he is. There is something they are watching.
my photos in flickr
Odin is back.
Odin may have left in order to see off an intruder. They both still look hyper-vigilant to me. (Even the threat of an intruder doesn't appear to completely distract Odin from his drive to mate, though. LOL)
In the middle of a quickie he slide off her back and started mantling . There must be a intruder in the area
Well, that was pathetic! The wind is gusting so strongly that both birds can barely hang on to the nest. The wind carried Odin into the air, and he decided to try another mating attempt. Of course, he couldn't get "into position" because of the wind. He ended up just clawing at EJ's back with his talons and sliding off. Very clumsy, not to mention painful for EJ.