Morning all. Nothing to report.
They are not speaking the same language. "Nag, Nag, Nag" means I want fish, not that x-rated stuff.
EJ flew off the nest a few minutes ago. So if Odin comes to mate he will find no one is home
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Come on Odin.....time to live up to your name,,,,
'He is considered a principal member of the Aesir (Norse Pantheon) and is associated with wisdom, war, battle, and death, and also magic, poetry, prophecy, victory, and the hunt.'
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
Probably putting this in wrong thread but still: in Scandinavia we have "name-days", and yesterday was Odin`s day :)
my photos in flickr
auntie: Well, he made the most of his day, now he can settle down to his parental duties.
Doing an early shift today...we have Odin's day too auntie, but it's the day after tomorrow (Wednesday) (I know, wrong thread, but hey.)
Terry in Cumbria
I was wondering which way is the cam "looking", east? NE?
Morning auntie, I'm sure someone can be more positive than me, but I think it is approximately east.
Thanks to the 'Night Shift' for reports. Looks cold at LG still, and the snow is not thawing much.
Empty nest still at present.
Dearest Avenger, Emma Peel - THANK YOU so much for your much needed common sense and encourgement on the subject of EJ and Odin. When I logged on this am (just, more or less) I felt blessed to read your reply to my post late last night.
Off out ALL day hiking in the Cotwolds today and hope I can read some positive posts this evening.
DO have a good day, all of you, whatever you are doing this Bank Hol and I hope you are properly better now Tiger.