Weekly Chat (all topics). Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter all!

OK. So EJ and Odin safely at LG, but what has happened to the LOTL cam. Haven't been able to get anything. It looks like it's going to load okay, then you get just a black screen.  Let's hope they get it sorted soon. Margobird said they'd had horrible weather there yesterday, so maybe that knocked out something.

Well, I missed Odin's arrival but thanks to BigRab, there's a video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4EoYaRO6js which I plan to watch myself in a minute.  

Busy day here, also amazed to see Trucker cam is now in Albuquerque - boy! does that guy ever cover ground. So I really have to follow him tomorrow (along with you-know-who) because I've driven that road and just love the huge wide horizons. But it's also Easter, so a bit of family stuff going on. Bought some lovely strawberries from the farm down the road and then went to supermarket and bought some naughty cheese (fattening double cream French Brie), mushrooms stuffed with all kinds of yummy stuff and simply couldn't turn down Haagen Dazs's invite to try - "at special introduction price" - new Java Chip flavor with coffee and chocolate chips. Was at Costco earlier and got some great asparagus and Wild Alaska Halibut. So we had a nice dinner, but ice cream still unopened - for now.


  • Annette I have the video of Apollo XIII on the shelf but have never watched it. I do not really want to spoil the memory of holding a trannie radio under the bed clothes waiting for the moment when Jim Lovell would burn the Lunar Module engine to hasten them back to earth at a reasonable time. It seemed deperate then....it seems unbelievable now that they ever got home. I hope they relive it on Twitter like they did with Apollo XI.

    Hazelwoods   What a fantastic story that. You will have me trying to work out who you are talking about.

    I spoke to my nephew last 15 July as he watched the shuttle launched from the Cape. It was very exciting.

    His wife sent me this picture on an iPhone.

    Years ago when my nephew was about six I had tried to interest him in the 10th anniversary of Apollo. He did not seem interested but must have caught the bug later.



    And APOD for today. See http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html





  • Caerann said:

    Wow Margobird! What a great looking nest and there is still snow there! Is that in Finland?



    The osprey has just arrived at Nauvo.

    Marjaniemi cam is also know as Hailuoto.


    marjaniemiandseili.jpg picture by DaisyG_

  • Caerann said:

    Wow Margobird! What a great looking nest and there is still snow there! Is that in Finland?



    Here is a map where I marked these two cam nests

    and this map shows the ice situation few days ago (red dots for cam nests)

  •  Tiger  Interesting photo.  I was fascinated by all things space when I was younger. Apollo XIII was a very stressful time. I don't think people nowadays realise how worried the whole world was.

    I always smile when I watch the ISS going overhead. How can that light be the home of astronauts ?

  • Thanks Auntie & Tiger. Close up at LOTL:

  • Well Tiger, you beat me to it LOL (and your map is better)

    I off now, can`T take my eyes of "home bird"

  • Thanks to Tiger for interesting pic of the Shuttle take off.

    Also great maps etc. of the Finland sites.  Easier to imagine them somehow, when you know where they are.

  • Morning all:  Haven't got the cam on yet and will be out a lot today (and tomorrow actually), so taking care of the important stuff before I get hooked for too long.

    Caerann: Oh my - I somehow saw that nest as being the same as LG - a double-bed? Still, as long as it serves the purpose.  At a guess, I'd say Margobird's fab new camera is located in Finland as I see the name of a port that a Finland ferry I watched last summer travels to and from - (bloody awful sentence -apologies to all!). 

    Ginnie: Haven't seen you here for a while; welcome back and hope Lindybird's (?) help got you sorted out re the notifications. I must've turned them all off when I first logged on 'coz I've never had one.

    Margobird: Double thank you for that wonderful new webcam - it's so sharp! Also have to check out the Pale Male site to see what notice you're talking about!

    Patriciat:  I was lolling on the beach in my bikini (oh those were the days) and heard the broadcast of  the moon landing on someone's portable radio. Was so thrilling.

    Tiger: Would love to see the Shuttle take off - at one point they were planning to launch them from Vandenberg Air Fore Base up the road about 30 miles, but that fizzled. They launch experimental rockets from there now and it's not unusual to see very odd contrails in the sky when they do so.  The Shuttle does land at Edwards Air Force Base from time to time, but it's a second choice and we never know until the last few hours, depending on weather conditions back in Florida.  I remember the Apollo 13 problems  - the whole country was holding its breath; it is amazing we got them back.

    Hazelwood: Can you share the name of Your Astronaut so we can keep an eye out for his name?

    Diane: You sounded discouraged in your "I don't care anymore" post. Hope that was just a minor frustration?

  • Patriciat: Did you ever get the LOTL cam? I didn't have a problem when I tried a few minutes ago.

  • Caerann: No, didn't watch the Buddha program; OH did since he was in India for some years with the Peace Corps. I was busy screwing up the dates on the Daily Update page.......   Sometimes, depending on my state of mind, I just want to be entertained and last night was one of them (why do I always end up feeling guilty about that?)  :-)