Daily Update, Friday, April 2 2010

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  • Morning all,

    Dont worry BrendaH. We have all done it at one time or another.

    Its been great this morning to see EJ and Marge both on their nests and doing the housework. Hopefully the rest of the snow will melt today and their may be more ospreys around. I managed to record about 10 mins of EJ on the nest this morning.

  • Great to see EJ back on the nest this morning. Just wanted to say thanks to all that have posted captures and videos so far. I've got quite a library of videos already (dread to think how many I'll have before the season's end). With so many people on here from all over the World watching and taking images I reckon we won't miss any of the action this year.   :-)) 

  • Well, EJ's been gone awhile. I reckon, and hope, it's a fishing trip and one of you will catch her returning with it.

  • 2 ospreys on the nest at LotL...

  • Oh one flew off at LoL and the camera managed to pan across and watch it in flight (at LoL)... wish I knew how to capture a screen shot

  • Pipsar6 : Both the ospreys were female. Marge was mantling. I captured a screenshot. It is on the Weekly update page.

  • ''..... wish I knew how to capture a screen shot''

    Pipsar,  do you    have a little free download called MWSnap? If you Google MWSnap and download it for free - once you've 'opened' it, the best and easiest way to capture a screen shop is to click on Window/menu - this will 'snap' the video window for you and then you need to click ON the videio picture to capture it . Go up to File then Save as - I'm sure you know the rest. Does this make sense?  Tell me if you need more help

    Aunite told me this - I downloaded it and it's easy to use.

  • was that the same female as earlier on in the week?? If so surprised to see Madge turn her back and leave the nest, though she is back now. and mantling.  Could it be one of her off spring returning home???

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • Hi Pipsar6! How I take screen shots:

    1. On my keyboard, hit the "Print Screen" button.  

    2. Open Microsoft Office Picture Manager (which was supplied as part of my basic computer setup with MS Office), and Paste the screenshot there. 

    3. Give the pic a title, and then use Picture Manager to Crop and Save it. 

    4. Start a post in the Forum within the appropriate thread, and click on the "Insert Media" button - the one that looks like a strip of film.

    This seems to produce a "good enough" screen shot - don't know if others have better methods.    



  • Bit of a stand off at LOL at the moment.  Marje frantically mantling.  Hope she wins the nest battle,hurry up Eric she needs your assistance.  I would hate to lose the nest to the other female.


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