Hi all: Both nests empty right now. (That's LG and LoL )
Ho hum. Both nests still empty although I have been straying from the computer now and then.
Daylight sneaking up on LG and LOTL nests, which are both still bereft of birds. But that's a shadow on the nest ! Surely it can't be.....the sun??
What I can't understand is how it can be so light at LG and still so dark at LOTL.
And we now have color at LG.
OK guys, well I'm about to call it a night. Hope you see lots of EJ today. Wonder where Marge went; she's been on the nest the last few nights (of course, it was probably too windy to leave.).
I DON"T BELIEVE IT - it's the same as last year. I say goodnight and here she comes!! EJ? Could you please either arrive earlier or wait 'til I'm down the hall? :-)
Is anyone around?
EJ is on the nest standing in the snow, scanning the area. She look wet! She has been bobbing her head as if she sees something
OOPs she flew away
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Hi Barbara Jean - where are you? EJ has probably gone for a latte and trout. I'm going to sneak off now. Take care! (Looks lovely at LG today , if still snowy.) Finally got color at LOTL (still empty). Oooh - and just saw some legs and wings fly by at LG!!
All I get is a few tail feathers. methinks EJ is perched on the camera. That is a bit extreme EJ - we want to watch YOU.
She went off to get branches to rebuild her nest . She is working it right now.
my photos in flickr