Hi all: Both nests empty right now. (That's LG and LoL )
Does your video also stop ? (go black and need starting agian) Margobird
HeatherB see pic on previoius page - EJ mantling - can't see fish
Cirrus it freezes every so often but if you watch for more than 15 minutes you need to start again. Little note under the cam says this.
Hi Cirrus, I'm pretty sure the fish EJ has at the moment is a pike.
Thanks Stan - good on you, knowing your fish!!
Just heard a woodpecker at LOL, great afternnon for hearing the birds
Yes, I've heard him too Margobird - great fun isn't it. I'm off out this evening so I hope someone will post a late pic of EJ for me to see when I come home. Here's one with the late sun on her back, hoping it will please someone.
Hi everyone.Many thanks for all the wonderful posts, info, screen captures etc. So happy the snow is melting at LG and things are starting to look a bit more spring like. Exciting drama at LotL, with Marge having to deal with another female. Cirrus: The LotL video keeps cutting out for me. Mind you our internet connection, is like a greetin' faced wean, at the moment.
It's lovely to see this. "I'd recommed the fish."
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Wo ah ..... ''a greetin' faced wean,'' What in the world is a ''greetin faced wean'' ? And is it painful??!!!! LoL
OK there Paul. Well, I don't mind the sound cutting out so much, it cuts back in again after a while - but- I do get fed up of having to keep clicking 'Play' all the time. Still, at least the video is available to me when I do. Stan says the fish is a Pike. So, you can reccomend Pike then? fried or baked ???? :)
Hazel b said: 2 ospreys on the nest at LotL...
2 ospreys on the nest at LotL...
Pipsar6 Hi are you the same SB from DPOF?
I am yes, for my sins
Thanks to Cirrus and Sue C for their advice, I will see what I can do.