What can I say? April Fool's Day? Could be mid-Winter from the view (or lack thereof).
BarbaraJean: You asked on yesterday's thread if anyone knew if EJ had dealt with this much snow. Tiger has posted some pix of her on the nest, partially covered with snow - but not like this. Richard at RSPB LG seems to think she's holed up somewhere near food waiting out the storm.
Cirrus: Photo of Marge resting makes a change - she's been looking very windswept when I've managed to stop by the nest!
Unknown said: EJ has been back with a fish supper:
EJ has been back with a fish supper:
Thanks a lot Alan lovely colours in this. So good to see her with a fish.
DjoanS said: EJ doing the housekeeping and moving sticks!
EJ doing the housekeeping and moving sticks!
Thanks DjoanS so good to have this shot. Makes me feel a whole lot better expecially as Alan captured her with a fish.
Unknown said: Yes yes Alan Goodie I got one too
Yes yes Alan Goodie I got one too
Cirrus good morning and thanks, I am so pleased to see her and to see that the snow is thawing. Now we just need Odin to turn up and my happiness will be complete.