What can I say? April Fool's Day? Could be mid-Winter from the view (or lack thereof).
BarbaraJean: You asked on yesterday's thread if anyone knew if EJ had dealt with this much snow. Tiger has posted some pix of her on the nest, partially covered with snow - but not like this. Richard at RSPB LG seems to think she's holed up somewhere near food waiting out the storm.
Cirrus: Photo of Marge resting makes a change - she's been looking very windswept when I've managed to stop by the nest!
So windy at LOTL. I hope Marge is anchored down well. Poor thing, I feel so sorry for her.
Hey AQ; Yeah, looks like a rough ride. What a welcome home, eh?
Annette. Morning. I think it is safe to say that while EJ has seen snow before she has never seen quite so much as this.
Tiger Signature
You're up early Tiger. When is the weather supposed to warm up over there?
Off to bed. Giant flying creature with too many legs has found the lights in this room and OH has gone to bed so rushing off before it lands on me! Ugh!
Annette Oh it has warmed considerably down here. It is in the frozen north that it is cold.
Here she is:
Sherlock says, "Look Watson, she's been there before breakfast, aren't these fresh footprints on the right of the nest, methinks."
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
Can anyone lend her some skis?
Well, it certainly looks like an April Fools joke, Annette. I just burst out laughing when I came on just now. Heard on the News this morning that a train has had to spend the whole night stuck in the snow at Aviemore, after a snowfall on the track (the rescue train got stuck, too!).