google earth streetwalk
In February we said goodbye to Millicent, EJ's 100th chick to fledge from the famous nest. We continue to watch Breagha, our only remaining tagged osprey juvenile.
In March we await the arrival of EJ and Oden, to start another family of fascinating bobbleheads.
22 days till EJ'S RETURN on Wed March 25th
28 days till ODIN'S RETURN on Wed March 31st
Ann, I answered your question last night, but it disappeared. Perhaps I wrote, then neglected to "reply". Anyway I'll try again.
Yes I feel certain the birds were sea gulls. Through the years I have tossed many a crumb up for gulls to snatch mid-air at the Outer Banks. These birds looked exactly the same. Accoding to my Golden Guide BIRDS book they are probably Herring Gulls - "abundant along the Atlantic coast and parts of the interior", those parts appearing to be near the Great Lakes to our north.
Hello All. Amazing news that 7H has been spotted in Azzemour Morrocco have not readall the news yet but amazing thetracker stopped working!
Spring is coming
Tried topost a pic but not posting :(
Willow, good news indeed if a "lost" bird has been spotted and positively ID'd, Where can I read more about 7H., please?
Willow are Iris's from your garden? I love them.
I just yesterday purchased some artificial ones along with yellow roses to make an arrangement for my living room. Obviously artificial, but will make a spot of pop-out color in an otherwise color scheme of blue, teal and grey-green.
Hi June im sorry but don't know how to do links but read it on the thread "Satelite tracked ospreys (non LG) Or Kielder Ospreys. Joanna Dailey writes a wonderful detailed updates! I need to catch up!
June the irises are growing in a stone square basin they are miniature ones and come up every year. Id love some small yellow ones!
Iwent to examine my raspberries and found that they are sprouting new leaves! Hope I get more fruit this year!