google earth streetwalk
In February we said goodbye to Millicent, EJ's 100th chick to fledge from the famous nest. We continue to watch Breagha, our only remaining tagged osprey juvenile.
In March we await the arrival of EJ and Oden, to start another family of fascinating bobbleheads.
Once in my hometown of Portsmouth, Ohio there was a street of lovely Victorian homes. These went out of style and no one wanted them as a family home. They were made into apartments and gradually deteriorated into little more than slums and eventually removed altogether. Probably very little salvaged, if anything, of the windows and other features that would be prized today.
At least Breagha is still safe. We can be thankful for that.
Its reassuring to know that many have not returned yet so weathers probably the explanation. Theres still time as not yet in April.
Here in UK they have architectural salvage yards where they collect such things as fire places and wall tiles and such things and sell them on for huge prices! Even sell roofing ridge tiles which are quite decorative
Willow are you still getting a current Loch Garten Forum index page? Is anyone??
I can get only the COMMUNITY index page and the "maintenance" page pops up where the LG index page should be. Cannot access the Main Blog or Diary either.
What I'm asking is do I have hopes of getting to our LG Index page or has it been done away with?
These houses were destroyed many years ago before people here valued such things.
June yes Im getting the index page alright. It has not been done away with its as its always been! What I have got when I go to other RSPB site I get a big blue thick band down the left hand side which covers up half the information!
Some good news June A new blog from Rutland pointed out kindly by Karen. 06(09) has arrived home and also 30(05) is 74 miles from Calais! Calais just a short hop across the channel and not far from my home! Severe winds in France have held her up. I would like to give you a link but not sure how to! Something i must master
No known birds returned today and that is seven days since the last known bird returned.
However FUN FUN FUN on the LOTL nest as the resident male appears Happy with his young find.
I keep mentioning 2005 when we had very bad spring migration weather that desimated 50% of nesting pairs in Wales and it took six years until 2011 to recover back to numbers.
Dont be alarmed - the nesting pair from 2004 at Welshpool both failed to return that 2005 year. They were the 2004 parents of the first born osprey in Wales in recent times. The male was a translocated RW 07/97 and female a ringed bird from The Black Isle.
However that was the same year that 11/98 and his partner at Glaslyn had their first succesful nest after the failing in 2004.
So in 2005 we still had one successful nest remaining.
In 2005 the birds in Scotland nesting took a big dip - Roy often mentions this - however we did not follow so many birds and nests so closely so it is difficult to make any comaparrisons.
Of known birds 30(05) - Beatrice and Blue XD make slow progress through France. Blue XD has been blown well off course to the east and it will be interesting to follow his recovery to known routes.
Well thats my wee bit of history for today.
Willow - You posted as I wrote so we have the first known bird back for 7 days 06(09) from RW Nest L.
Well he is 5 days early :)
His mate 00(09) has been back for a week now so we have a PAIR at L Nest.
Many Thanks