google earth streetwalk
In February we said goodbye to Millicent, EJ's 100th chick to fledge from the famous nest. We continue to watch Breagha, our only remaining tagged osprey juvenile.
In March we await the arrival of EJ and Oden, to start another family of fascinating bobbleheads.
Willow, bout time you showed up! :) I thought I was going to have to send out a search party.
The picture is my driveway. Once I had cleared it the roads were not bad.
I never see sheep here. This area WAS an agricultural county, but mostly vegetable farms or corn alternated with soybeans. Some horses. Many family farms are being sold for housing development or business areas, strip malls, etc.
As to crocus or daffodils or even the earliest snowdrops, they haven't even dared show leaf tips yet. I just hope they are alive and well & just being sensible about making an appearance.
Close-ups of the back nest. The little one is visible in the closest close-up
Eggs- Citing News from Dunedin.
It has been reported by Nancy who was at the nest for an hour and a half earlier today that Pinella was incubating egg(s).
She was relieved by Stirling so she could go for a bath.
Pinella on the picnic pole after her bath.
(c) - Thanks to Nancy @ Dunedin
And Pinella does look beautifully refreshed and fluffy. Wonder what perfume she used? Seaspray probably. My favorite.
Seriously I am glad to hear news that all is progressing nicely at this nest.
Hi Gabbers All. Spring is on the way here in Surrey--crocuses blooming in the sun this weekend and our first daffodil bloomed on Saint David's Day, later this year than last year. Today I was so thrilled to see a Red Kite soaring overhead, flying directly over the house--the second one I've seen in a few weeks and the only 2 times I've seen them here at home. I hope it/they sticks/stick around.
June, Thanks for opening the thread. Hope your snow melts soon and your Spring comes quickly!
Kind regards, Ann
Gardenbirder - It gets better - temperatures expected to reach 17C this weekend in some areas - maybe 12C in Central Scotland.
Good evening Ann & Keith and all Gabbers,
Congratulations Ann on your early spring blooms. How delightful!
I really needed my camera with me yesterday. As we enjoyed an Arby's roast beef sandwich after church we watched a flock of large birds circling low over the parking lot. White and dove grey, they looked more like the largest sea gulls one would see on the Outer Banks beaches than birds one would see in a restaurant parking lot/ oh yes car park, I believe you would say..
When I went to my car they had settled to the ground. I was able to count 20 plus a few others flying in. The newcomers disturbed them so that they all flew up and began circling overhead again. An unusual and pleasant experience.
Keith, Yes, I can't wait for it to warm up a bit, but it was cold and windy here today, though sunny much of the day.
June, Were the birds actually Gulls or...? You may or may not have noticed a current thread about an American Laughing Gull is enjoying life at the seaside up north here, in the Wirral, being fed chips and pizza by the locals.
Hello all. Garden birder you are so lucky to see Red Kites! No daffodils flowering yet here but they won't be long. Very sunny but cold and windy here too. meant to be warm at weekend though!
BTW Does anyone know the location of the opening photo?