Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 1 March 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

Thursday, March 5, is the Full Moon.


On March 6, NASA's Dawn spacecraft will arrive at the dwarf planet Ceres. Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The Dawn space probe will spend several months observing Ceres and sending back the first close-up images of a dwarf planet in our solar system. You can watch the spacecraft's arrival at Ceres on a special broadcast of the Slooh Observatory:

U.K.: Friday 6 March at 6:00 p.m.
Eastern U.S.: 6 March at 1:00 p.m.
California: 6 March at 10:00 a.m. 

Scientists have already detected mysterious bright spots on Ceres and are anxious to discover what they are. INFO

Everyone have a great week!

  • A lovely day here. Sorry about the wind and heavy rain in Scotland though.
    We waited for the fence man yesterday, who arrived at 8am this morning !! They have done temporary repairs but need to return, sometime, with concrete posts.

    Lmac, I do feel so sorry for any animal when they have to wear those lampshades. I hope it is nearly time for it to be removed permanently. She still looks an absolute sweetheart, with or without the shade.

    OG, I am jealous of your flowers. Our's still haven't opened this morning. Thanks for your lovely photographs. I hope you don't have to wait too long for your new shed. OH has decided that we need a new lawnmower too. We are also having to look for a new TV for the main sitting room. The picture is not as clear, as it should be, anymore.  Probably go to John Lewis next week.
    I went food shopping this morning, but nothing gave me inspiration for something different and healthy. OH picked a new ice cream, though !!

    Linda, Hope the sun has burnt through now. It is horrible when the sand covers everything, though. I hate it when it gets in my hair and you can even taste it.

    Lynette, I haven't watched the Muskateers series, but it seems that you are recommending it. LOL

    Heather, When I think how active and normally healthy, your OH is, maybe we should follow his diet. Surprised that he doesn't eat much fish, when he is so keen on fishing. My OH will not eat fish with any bones in it. He does enjoy a salmon steak though.  

  • Just to say that in this part of The Highlands we have a stunning warm Spring like day.

    Nice Daisy walk but river is quite high.

    OH giving the car a bit of a birthday ready for my drive to North Devon:-)

  • How long will the drive take, Wendy?  I imagine it's a longer journey than it would be to the Suffolk coast.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • It's about 600 plus miles to Hartland Point Clare.

    Am taking a friend so we will stop down and back up in Worcester. I will be driving but nice to have company.

    A night in Barnstable before getting the helicopter .

    So we might take the coast road via Lynton and Lynmouth.

  • Hi, on a dismal, dark day! Wind has got slightly less now, but it toppled the bird feeding station last night – the bottom length of its pole snapped across! We still had a spare length available, so OH reassembled it for them to have late breakfast! No rain, and real temperature is mild, just the wind chill making it feel cold outside.

    Lmac – lovely photos of Tapaidh – but which is her true colour? She looks brown in the first and black in the second! One-on-one training sounds a good idea – and you are right about spaniel pups being slightly bonkers!

    Dibnlib – glad Benson enjoys watching Crufts with you!

    Linda – I hope the sun got through the sand and that you were not stuck indoors all day.

    Brenda – I hadn’t picked up on your fence trouble; sorry you have a problem, and that you were kept waiting: I hope it will not be too long until his “sometime” return! We have four of those small troughs of daffs along our back fence, above the deck, outside the kitchen window. They seem to be coping well with the wind. Lawnmower should be about a week, and shed by the end of this month. We need to treat the fence behind the shed, so hope it will dry out down there! We are paying for them to dismantle the old shed when they assemble the new one.

    Wendy – I wonder whether the weather is headed your way, or maybe it is going around you. Pleased you and Daisy had a good walk. Enjoy your trip - when do you leave?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG go away 18th for ten days and with little or no phone or Internet coverage EJs return will be a nice surprise when we hit civilisation again.

    Very strong warm wind here and still no sign of the promised rain and long may it last .

    I must admit I haven't watched Crufts since it was dumped by the BBC. Not sure I agree with some of their breed standards. Daisy is miles away from the original breed and Dylan the Bassett had many health issues because of their edicts ...

  • BRENDA - OH does like fish but apart from herring in oatmeal he doesn't think of fish as a dinner!!Probably because of growing up on the farm where it was meat all the time. So lunches here are fishy a few times a week, a fishcake, Danish style

    smorrebrod with smoked salmon or prawns, hot smoked salmon and salad, that kind of thing. Even sardines on toast, which I hate!

    ANNETTE- you asked me about colonoscopy. They are not routinely offered on the NHS as a check up. My OH's colon cancer 11 years ago was only diagnosed after a private colonoscopy. He was on the waiting list for an endoscopy after falling ill in Tenerife. The appointment was taking forever and I lost the plot and arranged a private consultation with a gastroenterologist. He asked if we wanted OH to have a colonoscopy also and we thought, in for a penny, in for a few hundred pounds LOL. So very glad that we did!!

  • Hi all been out for the lovliest yummy lunch today. Castle Terrace in Edinburgh.  Had a lovely day with friends even although the weather was grey.

    OG - Tapaidh is chocolate brown. She gets bathed once every two weeks in baby shampoo which makes her very glossy.

    Took her to Cramond beach this morning for her first proper walk in a week she loved it. Played fetch with her ball for about an hour.

    Wendy hope your day stayed bright I thought that there was a weather warning heading your way today.

  • Brenda - its just good fun to watch

    OG - that's interesting about Chloe. I use to go through Warrington regularly as a youngun when we use to travel to North Wales before motorways came along.  Also there is a high level bridge there that we use to go to which is over the Manchester Ship Canal. Brings back some memories.

    Just caught up again - thanks for your news.

       oh that wing span, flexing his/her wings

      just one on the nest tonight in that lovely evening light.