Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 1 March 2015


Last week's Chat thread is HERE.

Thursday, March 5, is the Full Moon.


On March 6, NASA's Dawn spacecraft will arrive at the dwarf planet Ceres. Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

The Dawn space probe will spend several months observing Ceres and sending back the first close-up images of a dwarf planet in our solar system. You can watch the spacecraft's arrival at Ceres on a special broadcast of the Slooh Observatory:

U.K.: Friday 6 March at 6:00 p.m.
Eastern U.S.: 6 March at 1:00 p.m.
California: 6 March at 10:00 a.m. 

Scientists have already detected mysterious bright spots on Ceres and are anxious to discover what they are. INFO

Everyone have a great week!

  • LYNETTE   Well done on the swimming front. Keep it up.

    STARLING sounds like things are improving. Maybe Baxter will let you sleep for 6 hours tonight.

    Benson had his haircut today, then a walk at the canal as a reward. He now looks like a newborn lamb.

  • Morning all:

    Starling:  That's interesting; I'm not a dog owner so not sure what the rules, if any, regarding vaccinations are here.   Re the new "baby," at least yours will get over this stage much faster than human infants - and less nappy changing too!

    Brenda: If you come up with any new menus, do share - I'm in the same boat as you....  We don't realize how much we use all our fingers until one is out of commission.  I managed to ram a finger into some cardboard when I was tidying up some boxes two weeks ago - right down the side of the nail -  and then kept bashing it into everything, so finally put Giant bandaid on it that is so huge it's cumbersome but at least it's reminding me to be careful.  

    Lmac: Good luck with Tapaidh; hope she feels better soon - poor thing.

    Rita: Will keep an eye out for the cold lizard - and my camera at the ready. We see "warm" lizards all the time; have only notice the variation this year.  I bought one of those little garden carts on wheels that you can carry tools around in and sit on too but you're still bending to some extent  so I'd rather just kneel (no joint issues though) but I still use those padded thingies.  

    Heather:  Hope painter and house guests will provide positive distractions - well the guests  anyway! - so you won't be fretting too much.   Our whole house is a "boringly neutral" off-white - I figure it's cheaper to add the color with bits and pieces and they're less trouble to change.  

    Lindybird: I saw Starling's post re the vaccinations - what a nice coming-home treat Bonnie will be.  :-)   If I were in the UK (or a colder climate) I'd probably opt for honey/warm colored walls too.

    dinblib: Say Hi to Benson!

  • Blowing a “hoolie” outside – don’t envy J his drive home after church band practice!

    Brenda – will include this morning’s Tête à tête photo in next post! I know what you mean about menus at home. I have often said I wish someone would find a new food, and then when they do I just can’t bring myself to try it! J and OH both say we have plenty of variety, so maybe I shouldn’t worry about it, especially when combined with trying to eat healthy too! Your OH’s finger sounds extremely painful; at least he can hold a teacup elegantly with it sticking out in the splint! I hope it will soon be right.

    Lmac – poor Tapaidh, she must be feeling very strange; I am sure she will settle again once the lampshade is off. Would love to see more photos of her.

    Heather – I hope your arrangements for painters and visitors work out well; I am sure those visitors, being long-time friends, will be happy to fit in with what is going on! Don’t panic!

    Rita – pleased you got some new plants in yesterday, but sorry about the pains.

    Linda – you are clearly thinking a lot about young Bonnie while you are away; good to have something to look forward to back home, but do carry on relaxing and enjoying yourselves! Our walls are all grey tones (I don’t think there are quite fifty shades!) with colour in carpets, curtains and accessories.

    Dibnlib – glad you managed a canal walk today; sounds like possible flooding up your way tomorrow.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hepatica (I think) above started with it's first flower before the snow - the leaves come later.  Both photos taken this morning.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Wow OG my Tete a Tete are a thumb nail of green...:-(

    There again Daffs can still be in flower in June:-)

  • Lovely photos OG.

    I am also always looking for new meals to make but OH likes very simple food most of the time. I think he eats too much red meat but that is what he grew up on and what he likes. We do eat a lot of fish which I usually sneak in at lunchtime in one way or another! This evening he had haggis neeps and tatties followed by fresh fruit salad. I had mushroom risotto!! He did his usual, bought a Cockburns haggis and presented it to me with a smile! So my planned menu flew out of the window ;-))

  • OG  yes the forecast for tomorrow is pretty dire.

    Just watched Crufts and the Beardie who won the pastoral group tonight was totally gorgeous.  The first dog in the group was an Anatolian Shepherd Dog and it reminded me of "Haatchi" who won "Friends for Life" a couple of years ago. This wonderful dog overcame extreme cruelty inc the loss of a tail and leg to become a dear friend to a young boy with terrible difficulties. Worth googling although it will bring tears to your eyes.

  • Forgot to say: OH ordered new garden shed without further input from me, obtained his sheet of glass (free because he had ordered the shed!), and ordered a new lawnmower.  A successful afternoon, methinks.  J got home safe, but said it was very uncomfortable driving this evening in the wind.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello everyone, busy day at work and I couldn't upload phot from my phone. Hairdressers after work and now just sitting doing not a lot.  Here are a couple of Tapaidh snaps.  Second one is her busy watching The Muskateers :)

  • Aww Lmac she is lovely.  How is she getting on with her training classes?