Looks really cold at LG and LotL tonight with the LG nest under snow? Also noticed earlier - before the snow arrived - that the light at LG isn't nearly as bright as it has been. And poor Marge all on her ownsome at LotL.
Methinks you are right Wattle.
Margobird you should go over to Weekly chat now and look at the pic Tiger uploaded of a Bald Eagle under a ball of snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I have not seen EJ today yet so fortunate you :)
Just caught EJ back on the nest.......gone now
Wind blowing horizontal snow now at LG.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Thanks for the pic of EJ in the snow SueC . My first''sighting'' of her today.
Some nice videos here of EJ in the snow. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo34JHVs3AU
Tiger Signature
Just great videos from CliveT Thanks for the link Tiger
Just logged on and oh dear. Is that EJ on the left hand side of the screen? Poor baby!!! Like someone else said I hope this won't affect the birds mating this year!!! The landscape will look completely different I wonder how shwe copes with that!!
Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.
Thanks to Tiger and MrCliveT for the videos of EJ on her snowy nest. Wonder what she's thinking?
Lindybird said: Thanks to Tiger and MrCliveT for the videos of EJ on her snowy nest. Wonder what she's thinking?
Lindybird She is probably thinking "You would have though OVS would have turned up by now"
GROWL Tiger. Long live Odin :)