Millicent (Memories of)

Yesterday was a fairly normal sort of day the usual crop of news stories. Then at around 4pm the news broke that Millicent had perished. It is the bad news that I had been half expecting when there had been no news on Monday. News delayed often means it is bad.

The 2014  Loch Garten Osprey Season had started so promising. EJ arrived back on the 24th March and Odin arrived earlier than ever on 30 March. No need to worry about his rival  Blue XD this year as he was still in Spain.

So the season got off to an unusually tranquil  start.

After only 13 days the egg from which Millicent would hatch was laid. As is usual with EJ this egg hatched after dark on the night of Monday 19 May. 

Then 56 days later on Sunday 12 July she took to the skies claiming her name as the osprey who was the 100th to fledge at Loch Garten. 

42 days after her first flight Millicent began the first long journey. She reached the Senegal river and seemed settled  there until 17 January 2015 when she suddenly flew south much to the dismay of  many of her fans. She flew down to Sierra Leone but after a short exploration she headed north again.

She arrived at her last destination on 5 February 2015 and came to harm within days. 

A sad end to a lovely young osprey.

I am sure that all of you will want to share your memories of her.