This is a new thread for the Glaslyn Ospreys. Following on from Glaslyn 2014
The countdown clocks march relentlessly on
I will add to this later.
Tiger Signature
Both now
Is this who the shouting was about?
© Bywyd Gwyllt Glaslyn Wildlife (Click to enlarge)
Lots of flapping - now can see it is W0 shouting for breakfast. Seems to be trying to balance on rolling round stick!
(c) Glaslyn Wildlife
Tiger and Chloe's Osprey Info
W0 quick fly around and back to perch
© Glaslyn Wildlife
Morning Brenda
Snap Ha!! I have not had time to look at Tigers link yet, it just sorta gotta buzzzzeeee
As these two wait on the perch together, I am afraid I am out for the rest of the day. Have fun!
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
They are still on the perch
As I looked in Aran brought fish and 4R has it
W0 pottering
Aran arrived with a fish at 11.48.
( i lost my connection to RSPB )
4R took the fish