Evening all:
Lindybird: Love those poppies - such a wonderful rich color. I love tulips that color too.
AQ: Glad you're feeling better; sorry about the heat.
Rita:The Epi doesn't usually bloom until June.....
Battling my way through this jigsaw, which is the hardest one I've ever done (although Van Gogh's Irises was pretty challenging). However, am packing it in now and enjoying a taste-test comparison of Hagen Daaz's Caramel Gelato and Dulce de Leche ice cream. The gelato is much smoother, but I think I prefer the texture of the ice cream. Both are very sweet, almost too much...
Anyway, have a nice Sunday everyone, especially Margo, who I hope is feeling better and enjoying some time with her OH. Also hallo to George!
The owl is back, Lynette. :-)
Thanks Limpy, just seen him'her managed to capture it.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Afternoon all:
Clare: What a revolting development; just what you didn't need! Let us know if the company apologizes (is this the agency you've been using?). And good luck with tomorrow's interview.
Rita: Fab pix. I'm familiar with a couple of these but what are the second (white) and fourth (feathery mauve/purple)- which looks just magical!!
Lindybird/Brenda: Ha - the phenomenon of contractors coming to look at a job, assuring they'll deliver a quote, and then never delivering is global.
Diane: I missed your post and e-mail about the Snowy Owl.
Limpy/Lynette: Thanks SO MUCH for posting the shots of the owl - what a beauty.
Breakfast out with daughter this morning, then car to be serviced; now off to yoga.
Heather: Best wishes for an easy and successful operation for your OH. I hope his gastric issues were only the result of recent stress.
Clare: Awful about the incorrect address. Best of luck on your next interviews.
Brenda: Glad you won the first round of your neighborhood battle.
Rita: Your flower photos were very lovely.
Margo and George: Thinking of you!!!
Good Morning All. Bright and quite promising skies, here!! Nice to hear from you, Diane :-).
Will be thinking of you today, Heather and her OH :-)
Good Morning Everyone. A lovely bright morning after last night's rain.
Annette, I only noticed last night that yesterday was President's Day / Washington's Birthday and therefore a holiday in the USA. We often remark that since we retired, Bank Holidays here don't have the same significance for us, as they did before.
Diane, Good to hear from you. Often wonder how you are coping with the winter. I hope you are still managing to keep busy with paid work. We have noticed that some birds are beginning to sing in the evening, so Spring is on the way.
Linda, A lovely donkey picture, which Margo will love.
Diane, I forgot to say, thank you for the owl alert. Beautiful bird.
Lynette, Hope you managed to correct your computer problems.
AQ, I hope you are back to ' fighting fit' and all is well with your daughter and her family.
Just watching reports of a train, in southern, West Virginia, which was carrying 100 tankers of crude oil and was derailed in a snow storm and then went on fire. Looks horrendous.
Hey, this is historic - I'm writing on my new pc and it looks very posh, as the font is very smart!! So all your messages look extra important, now LOL!! I'm gradually getting to grips - talk about teaching an old dog new tricks......
Soon, after I've fed my birds and had a cuppa, I shall come back on and attempt to post some photos. My Eldest helped me to put on the newest ones last night, so at least they are in here, somewhere.....
Brenda, I saw the reports of the big fire on the train, just awful, but so good to hear that no one was seriously hurt, which must be some kind of miracle.
Right, lets see..........
Here is our sweet little girl, who we have now named "Bonnie" as in "My Bonnie lies Over the Ocean" or as my son said: "Bonnie & Clyde!" LOL!