WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15, 2015

Evening all:  

Lindybird: Love those poppies - such a wonderful rich color. I love tulips that color too.

AQ: Glad you're feeling better; sorry about the heat.  

Rita:The Epi doesn't usually bloom until June..... 

Battling my way through this jigsaw, which is the hardest one I've ever done (although Van Gogh's Irises was pretty challenging).  However, am packing it in now and enjoying a taste-test comparison of Hagen Daaz's   Caramel Gelato and Dulce de Leche ice cream.  The gelato is much smoother, but I think I prefer the texture of the ice cream.  Both are very sweet, almost too much...

Anyway, have a nice Sunday everyone, especially  Margo, who I hope is feeling better and enjoying some time with her OH.  Also hallo to George!

  • Nature program on Owl Power. We're in the highlands of Scotland with a heat-seeking camera at night watching owls hunting and feeding owlets.  Now we have Lilly and Luna, "talking" to their parents while they're still in the egg!

  • Hi, all.

    Heather: I hope your OH is recovering well and isn't in too much discomfort. Sending healing energy to him.

    AQ: Hope you're feeling better and your nanny duties are becoming easier.

    Starling: Sorry that you have to wait a week for your puppy. You must be so excited to get him/her.

    Lindy: The photos of Bonnie are adorable, and I love her name! She'll make a great companion for you both. Amber is a very beautiful baby!

    Clare: Best of luck on your interview!

    Limpy: Lovely swan photos! Hope you're feeling better.

    Brenda: I didn't have any pancakes on Tuesday, although I did watch Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras (New Orleans) parades and crowds on a live webcam online.

    George: Wonderful that you will have a visit with your son! I love trains, and I know you will enjoy the journey.

    Margo: So very sorry that you've been through such a rough time. Sending you healing energy.

    Annette: Wonderful that you've been able to start the whale count again. I know how much you enjoy it. I hope this is a great year for the whales! I found this video and article very interesting; you might think so, too. However, I'm not sure how the filmmakers' efforts to find, track, follow, and film the whale actually benefit the whale. I think the quest serves their interests and maybe the public, but it seems like simple harassment for the lonely whale. Maybe you'll see it more positively.

    Hope you get some rain very soon. I don't think you want to trade houses with me, though (saw your comment a few days ago). Mine is filthy! LOL! Also, thanks to the Siberian Express (cold air mass coming from Siberia), the temperature here tonight will reach -6 F to -12 F (-21 C to -24.4 C). The "feels like" temp will fall as low as -25 F or -31.6 C. The eastern U.S. is breaking all records for cold and snow. It's been relentless. Chicago is having the coldest February since 1875. The extreme cold is supposed to continue for the next ten days here where I live. I'm sending it all to AQ!

    I hope this post makes sense. I'm exhausted because I keep jumping up every couple of hours all night to run water, so my pipes don't freeze!

    I hope you all enjoy the weekend. Hello to everyone that I missed. So difficult to include everyone. Take care, all.

  • I forgot to say that I went outdoors tonight to check the house -- no water leaking anywhere, insulation in place over the crawl space grates... A hawk flew over me really low. It had been roosting in the pine tree nearest my front door. There was a snow squall at the time, so the hawk's coloring was distorted, but it looked more like R.T. Hawk's mate than him. Also, R.T. usually screams at me, and this hawk remained quiet. I've seen them together doing courtship flying lately, so maybe she was roosting with him in that tree and I spooked her. I felt bad. She's a really big hawk.

  • Diane: Will check out the whale video tomorrow; I'm driving to Malibu to have late breakfast with the friend whose house we stayed in in NY (her sister lives in it year-round; she lives out here). Won't be back until late afternoon. I feel soooo bad for all the folks who are suffering through yet another terribly hard winter. I know it's been worst in New England, but gather you guys are in for it this time round as well as the southern states. Can you let the water run - just a little - all the time to keep the pipes from freezing? What a situation: We can't get enough water or snow and the rest of the country has too much of it! There should be some way to do a trade.  Stay warm and say Hi to RTH's lady friend.

  • Good Morning. Wet here, and my OH has just left to play golf! His golf buddy has just flown back from Singapore, as they've holidayed in Asia, so he will feel the cold today. Nice for us to get a long post from Diane: keep warm Diane! Loved your description of the RT Hawk, hope she forgives you for disturbing her! It must be a real problem keeping those pipes warm.
  • Dibnlib: I'm still laughing at your remark about clothes for dogs! I also don't like them, unless they need a waterproof jacket to keep warm in Winter weather. I should have referred to Annette's remark about my enjoying buying clothes for little Amber! Its funny to think of a puppy wearing a pink Chinese coat!! Annette: your mentioning the film about the whales reminded me that when we saw a series here on the migration along your coastline, I made copious notes to "talk" to you about it! Then they got lost somewhere amongst the debris. I found a little bit of paper when I had to clear the desk recently. The journey the whales make, and their care of their youngsters, is truly astounding.
  • Got a few mins spare while OH loads my scooter to use at supermarket – don’t need a lot of shopping there, but it’s spread around the shelves. May not be able to use scooter, as the worst rain is forecast for about the time we would be unloading it. Dry this morning, although there had been rain towards end of night, whereas first part of night was cold enough for us to shut the bedroom window.

    J had Monday off for mid-term break, an “Inset” day Tuesday and his usual Wednesday off – he made us bacon pancakes. Now he’s returned to work with yet another load of cold symptoms, while still coughing from the previous virus!

    Starling – sorry Puppy’s arrival is delayed, but an extra week to look forward to welcoming him and choosing a name!

    Lmac – how lucky to be able to get away to Barra outside the tourist season. I hope Tapaidh’s jaw will not give you problems in the future, but the love of a real pet is worth more than showing and breeding, and she looks lovely!

    Rita – our pancakes were a day late because they just didn’t fit our busy Tuesday – and they are always good when J cooks them!

    Annette – pruning Lavetera with a saw – must have been very strong and woody, from growing in the California sunshine I suppose!

    Diane – good to see your long post. Do take care in that extreme weather! Great about Mrs RTH – if it wasn’t him, it must be his mate, as he wouldn’t want anyone else on his tree!

    Annette – enjoy your visit with Friend. Breakfast in Malibu sounds like a film title!

    Linda – lovely Puppy and Baby pictures earlier in the week. I like the name, but will need to get used to applying it to a Spaniel, as the last Bonnie I knew was a Sheltie! I hope your OH is enjoying the wet golf – or the comfort of the clubhouse!

    Margo – sorry the chemo affected you so badly: it does seem very inconsistent in the effects it has. I hope you will continue to feel better day by day again to get back to your usual self.

    George – pleased you are going up to Forres (I think I got the right town there) for a break. Enjoy the views from the train, and I hope you get some good weather there.

    Heather – pleased your OH’s op went well. I expect he will have had his first check-up by now, and I hope all is well and the grittiness has gone.

    Clare – I hope you get good news very soon! It sounds as if you really took a fancy to the third company.

    Well, this has ended up rather long, but maybe I have caught up with all I intended to say! Coffee has appeared at my elbow, so time to drink up and hose down!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning ALL. Still dry here. Rain due to reach us this afternoon.

    I see The RAF were scrambled to escort Russian bombers out of International airspace yesterday, near to Cornwall, not quite in our airspace. Putin showing his strength and playing mind games again. I know Margo, heard and saw our planes a few weeks ago, when their was a visit from Russia, near Bournemouth, a few weeks ago.

    Just need to do some HW. Will catch up later.  

  • Quite wet here - I sallied forth to take back two pairs of trousers to M&S, which had a strange kind of fit - why do they not come up to your waist? Anyway, I came out with a super little unlined jacket, the sort which will look good when you want to look smarter than wearing a cardiin summer. My tablet doesn't like the word cardi, LOL!! Then I went further up the street, and found a "Final Sale" where I got a nice padded coat, in navy, and a smart gilet, in ruby red,at knockdown prices!! Had to hide the jacket when I got home from my damp OH, who says I have enough!
  • OG - you sound as busy as ever. Sorry that J has another cold - does he take vitamins? Like the sound of bacon pancakes, yum. I'm off now to root in the attic for some of our holiday gear, as I have to crack on with the packing.