Evening all:
Lindybird: Love those poppies - such a wonderful rich color. I love tulips that color too.
AQ: Glad you're feeling better; sorry about the heat.
Rita:The Epi doesn't usually bloom until June.....
Battling my way through this jigsaw, which is the hardest one I've ever done (although Van Gogh's Irises was pretty challenging). However, am packing it in now and enjoying a taste-test comparison of Hagen Daaz's Caramel Gelato and Dulce de Leche ice cream. The gelato is much smoother, but I think I prefer the texture of the ice cream. Both are very sweet, almost too much...
Anyway, have a nice Sunday everyone, especially Margo, who I hope is feeling better and enjoying some time with her OH. Also hallo to George!
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
Lindy - I have had a few puppies over the years, sadly I lost 3 dogs qute young. My last puppy was nearly 10 years ago.
© Scottish Wildlife Trust - Loch of the Lowes
Yes, Linda, we are having pancakes, just sugar and lemon .
Thank you everyone for kind thoughts re OH and his cataract operation. All went well. I was sent away as the waiting room was small.I knew that he was nervous, his voice a bit tremulous.I was told to come back in a couple of hours. He is fine,eye feeling a bit gritty. Drops provided for me to instil. After last night's rather rich supper (!) he got a stir fry this evening----
We heard from our Danish friends that the shooting took place just one street away from where their daughter lives in Copenhagen.
CLARE - Rooting for you!
Sheana has been seen by her GP. She is still deluded, now expecting to be moved to Glasgow any day. Poor soul.
LINDY - Amber is beautiful xx
LINDY For one awful moment I thought you were buying an outfit for Bonnie (can't believe what some people dress their dogs in. Then I realised you were talking about Amber. Sorry I doubted you.
I am sure she will settle in quickly (as will Starlings puppy) as both will be in very loving homes.
LIMPY very regal swan pics.
What a din last night. Don't know how many geese flew over (it was dark) but they made more noise than I have heard before- and we get many skeins overflying. Had it been light it would have been a very impressive sight. We love watching and listening to them.
Managed to spend a few hours in the garden, clearing winter debris and leaves from all the beds. It has been a beautiful winter's sunny day. A decent frost promised for tonight.
Heather, Sounds as if everything is normal for your dear OH, including the gritty eye. He will be so pleased with the result.
A small world, when you hear that the Denmark shooting was so near to your friends' daughter. I see that they have arrested two men, who are also thought to be connected to the gunman.
Sorry to hear Sheana will be moved so far away from where she lived. I hope she will get all the care she needs in Glasgow. I have forgotten, where does her nephew live ?