The Story of Green 7B

This is a story that emerged last summer. I had intended to write it up at some point. I finally got it done in early December 2014. Now I am publishing it here. 

  • LotL 1995 rings were yellow SS, TS, US. Yellow TS was a female who was found breeding in Perthshire in 1999, so it must have been either SS or US. Strangely the data sheets in the visitor centre at Lowes do not mention this sighting.

    EDIT Just spotted a possible answer to this in typing up the Lowes sightings sheet - possibly US (unless all three of this brood survived). Presumably yellow US, though the sightings sheet says green. Maybe another of those rather faded yellow rings?

  • Unknown said:

    Tiger, from all of Lady's fledged chicks is it only the two that have ever been spotted. Gree7b and the red? Ringed male spotted with chicks I think last year.

    There was a set of data sheets in the visitor centre at Loch of the Lowes last time I was there, including a list of sightings. Since it was on public display I can't see any reason not to copy it here.


    By hatch date:

    1982 female lime 2 - bred Angus 1985-2001

    1991 male orange VL - bred Angus 1995-1997 [the separate list of rings says this was a single letter ring, orange V - on left leg]

    1992 male light green SL - bred Perthshire 1996

    1995 female yellow TS - bred Perthshire 1999

    1995 'green US' - seen at Lowes 2001 [ring list says all 1995 chicks had yellow rings, so presumably a typo? There is no other TS listed.]

    1997 white XZ - seen Derbyshire on first migration

    1999 black 3A - seen at Rutland 2004

    2000 female green 7B - seen LG 2002, bred Speyside 2004 (as we know)

    2001 red 4B - seen Caerlaverock 2010

    2002 black 2C - seen Essex & Aberdeenshire 2004

    2012 blue 44 - seen France & Spain on 1st migration

  • Wasn't it Red 4C that was reported last year? 

    Got it. See Osprey News 4th August 2014

  • Seen & photographed at a loch nearby last August, yes, Tiger.