FEBRUARY - The days may be getting longer, but it is still our coldest month. Just a wonderful month to curl up and snooze until our osprey arrive back in Scotland. - - and Wales and England. I don't know of any in Ireland.
WendyB has recently given us a link to an Albatross family cam which should prove entertaining as we continue our countdown to the arrival of EJ and Odin. With Keith on Bioko Island for he month, he may have a few adventures to share with us.
Let us remember that February is the month of romance, too.
I wish - However February will be my warmest month :) and watching ospreys.
Hi Keith, What time is it where you are? I assume you are now on Bioko. And just how "cold" is it where you are??? Are you still up late for Jan 31 or up early tor Feb 1st?
High 91 F with Low 77 F. Humidity high with Thunderstorms. Still very wet in West Africa. Present at 06:00 - 79 F.
It is 06:25 in Malabo one hour ahead of UK.
So you are a wee bit east of UK, further away from the USA. I like the thunderstorms, but 91 is TOO HOT for me, especially with high humidity. ENJOY!!
Oh they do have a swimming pool, don't they? and I believe your were recently telling us about the excellent recreation program, so yes, do enjoy!!
A very cute, clever picture, I think.
52 days till EJ'S RETURN on Wed March 25th
58 days till ODIN'S RETURN on Wed March 31st
If the Ospreys have any sense they will stay away from Scotland for as long as they can, long range weather forecast for that part of the world for March and April is not good.You reading this Clair and limpy?
Good morning, Fat. You are not bringing us good news.
Don't worry, them long range forcast's are seldom accurate
Good afternoon, Fat. You HAVE been watching for a while, haven't you.
Well do I remember when EJ sat on her snow covered nest. Actually, as I remember it, she herself was pretty well covered and we didn't know if she was in there or away in a tree somewhere. But again as I remember it EJ WAS under all that snow and we could see her there as it melted and/or blew away. But I don't remember the year, do you - or anyone else??