WEEKLY CHAT (Non Osprey Topics) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st 2015

Where did January go? Really interesting hearing about all the new/pending pups - think you have found some surrogate owners!!!

  • Unknown said:

    Limpy, I am so sorry to hear about Clare being made redundant. I do hope that she will find another suitable job soon. I am not sure what kind of accountant, Clare is, but, I am an ACMA ( CIMA) and they often advertise, in the members magazine, of current job availability and there are recruitment agencies, just for experienced qualified accountants. Very best wishes to you both.

    Many thanks for everyone's kind wishes.  Brenda, I'm rather behind you qualifications-wise - I've passed the intermediate level of the AAT and have years of varied experience, but that's pretty much it.  I'm registered with Hays - the very pleasant young man who registered me was honest enough to say that they don't get a huge amount of part-time work in but that it was still worth my while to register.  My CV was actually sent to an employer last week - my fingers are crossed that something comes of it.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare so sorry you have been made redundant. Know just how you are probably feling as it happened to me twice. Certainly knocks your confidence a bit. I was made redundant for the second time at 57 and thought that was the end of my working life but after temping for a few weeks applied for a position with large firm of solicitors. They did not specify I needed experience so I applied and was accepted. I spent 6 happy years as a secretary to several solicitors and found the work very interesting. Prior to this I worked as a secretary for a firm of accountants. I never thought I would be employed again other than in a temporary capacity. I am sure something will turn up for you so chin up s's they say and I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

  • Morning all and thanks for birthday wishes, flowers, and song (from OG). 

    Brenda: Thanks for such a lovely cheery photo - camellias (not azaleas) I take it?

    Rita: Oooh - aren't cactii just amazing? Thanks for including the name in the photo or I'd have thought daisies! :-)

    Heather: Oh dear, not an event you'd choose to witness, but I guess that sort of thing goes on a lot.  

    Limpy:  I can't imagine Clare ever being designated as "redundant" - she's very "dundant" on this blog and probably "superdundant" to you and Helen! Seriously, that's awful and very dispiriting.

    Clare: Sorry to hear the news of your company - why do they always do this stuff before Christmas!!!  Is there a chance of another job or are the pickings slim in you area?  

    Margo: Great to hear of continued good news. Yay!

    Spoke to UK family (phone/e-mails) and have been told they definitely aren't interested in hearing how warm it is here since they've all got snow . :-)

    Off to lunch with friend; OH is taking me out to dinner (tonight or maybe in a day or so depending....).   Got a gift certificate from another gardening center from OH and gardening gloves from sister in UK (yes, we do have them here, but when I was back there a couple of years ago I found some lovely knitted ones and she's been keeping me stocked ever since!)  Daughter and I will celebrate in a day or three and of course will get late phone from grandson, who has only just  got the stage where he remembers Christmas falls on the same day every year. 

    Doorbell just rang. No, not birthday flowers for me, but the local sanitary crew advising that they're flushing the sewers on our street and we might want to close all the toilet lids just in case.  Oh well, win some lose some.  :-)

    Take care everyone.

  • Sorry to pop in and find Clare's news today - I'm sure you will find something, Clare - you never know what's around the corner! My fingers & toes will be crossed for you.
  • Clare, I have everything crossed for you. In the meantime, do not get depressed, that will not help, just enjoy the short holiday from work. I have no contacts in your area, but I will talk to people and see if they know anything /anybody. Keep smiling.

    EDIT  A good idea from Margo. You could try temping until you find a permanent position :-))

  • I was so pleased to read your good news, Margo. You must be very pleased. We have had excellent news as well, today: my OH has seen the Consultant this afternoon and been told that yes, his blood tests are very good and so there is no further treatment at present. They will see him again at the hospital in six months for checks & more blood test results but meanwhile he can relax and we can both breathe out again. I wasn't able to digest the good news at first, when we had the blood test results, as it seemed just too good to be true. It seems that thanks to his general good health and their intervention he has been one of the lucky ones.
  • Annette: I've just missed you. Enjoy your birthday meal(s) and the rest of your day! Bjane: thanks for your kind words, it just comes to me, I feel its just one of the things that luckily I can do, although I would kill to be able to paint, draw or be musical in some way other than enjoying listening to it!
  • Tuesday began at minus 7 degrees C – reached plus 3 in the afternoon, but little change to lying snow. I see others have fresh snow today, including parts of London – do take care, everyone.

    Linda – chicken korma sounds a fair exchange for computer help; what are you feeding him on tonight? So pleased about confirmation of your OH’s test results!

    Heather – sorry your OH missed his meeting because of snow, but best to be safe. That Crow attack sounds really vicious and not pleasant to witness. Our Blackbirds are squabbling a lot (too many of them too close together) and even Pied Wagtail is showing aggression to all the many Finches on “his” patch.

    Mrs T (Claire) – sorry you recently lost a canine friend; special thoughts for you today. It is good to see you joining our chat from time to time.

    Brenda – lovely cheery flowers for Annette!

    Wendy – intrigued that Daisy has a chaise longue to observe the world go by – and not just any chaise longue, but an M&S chaise longue. I hope the road was made safe for you. We also fill our feeders at sundown, so there is food there for the early risers. I like the idea of the loo with a view – but not sure I would be brave enough, even in the country!

    Margo – pleased to read your good news again!

    Limpy – thanks for explaining Clare’s situation; such a difficult time for you all. Pleased she has you there to help her through.

    Bjane – do take care going out and about in the snow, and keep warm.

    Rita – nice cacti for Annette! Sorry to see you are getting even more snow, do take care.

    Clare – so sorry about the redundancy. I do hope you will find some suitable employment very soon.

    Annette – pleased to see the celebrations are ongoing – your friends and family are certainly making this birthday last! Enjoy! Sorry the doorbell was not a nice birthday offering, but probably best to be warned of the “bouquet”!

    Caught up with hairdresser this afternoon – being 7 weeks since last time instead of the usual 5, my hair feels very short, but it is so good to have it tidy at last!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Brilliant news, Linda. I am so happy for both of you, especially your husband, of course. Open the champagne.

  • Blimey!  I've got an interview in the morning!!!!!   YES!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, I'm a bit excited.  It's the first one anyone's offered me in two months of job hunting.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.