Where did January go? Really interesting hearing about all the new/pending pups - think you have found some surrogate owners!!!
(I was singing as I typed!) Have a wonderful day!
More special thoughts of GEORGE overnight and this morning; take your time, and look after yourself.
Back later after the long-postponed haircut!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
HI BRENDA- Thanks, yes have settled down now. I'm a townie,but even OH said that he was shocked at what we saw, we have seen sparrowhawks vs blackbirds and OH was born and bred on a farm but I wouldn't have cared to be on the receiving end of that attack! Thinking about it afterwards, OH said that he knows that young lambs have had their eyes gouged out etc etc but maybe we live a too sheltered life these days, here in the town.
Mrs T so sorry to read you have lost a beloved dog. Leaves a big hole I life when pets pass on.
Good afternoon all and pleased to pass on good news once again. Blood levels all good so the treatment will carry on. So different from this time last year when the news was rather bleak.
Hi to everyone I'm glad to see you are all well. Happy birthday to all the ones we have missed, I'm sorry Clare and I have not been posting on here very much but is a wee bit hard trying to keep Clare's chin up as before Christmas she was told the company was closing down and all the workers we being made redundant so Helen and I have been trying to keep her chin up. Clare struggled through December and January it was little bit strange in our household. Clare left last Friday and found it hard on Monday that she had no job to go so I took her to Minsmere on Sunday hoping this might cheer her up, I know some of you have asked how I am getting on as a volunteer at Minsmere sorry that I have not replied to you I will come back to you all on it.
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
Annette - Have a wonderful Birthday!!
OG- Glad you are feeling much better.
Margobird - wonderful news. So glad the treatment is working.
Lindybird - I must say, I have tremendous respect for your ability to put out limericks as quickly as you do. I have been trying to write one to my soon-to-be-former coworkers. I have found it to be extremely difficult! I may give up and just post a letter.
I am sorry to hear of Clare's unemployment. That is quite traumatic, but hope something better comes her way.
We are dealing with 10 inches of snow and more on the way tonight. The winter had been quite mild up til now.....
We have another layer of snow today and it is very cold, has just started to snow again as I am writing this. Have progressed to my Grade 3 thermal vests (Grade 5 is suitable for the Arctic!) which I only need when the weather is very cold. Re-knitting, yesterday I rummaged about in an old oak chest and found several things that I had not finished, among them a nice cardigan that just needs the front buttonhole and neck ribbing doing so I am definitely going to finish it now, such a waste otherwise.
Margo - I am so pleased to hear that your results were good and that the treatment seems to be working although it is unpleasant for you.
Heather - How awful for you to witness that bird fight and a pity that the victim was not caught, I do not like to think of the fight continuing somewhere else.
Mrs. T - So sorry to hear that you have recently lost your dog, I have been through it several times and I know how much you miss them, it is a pity that dogs have such short life compared with us.
Limpy - I am so sorry to hear that Clare has been made redundant and understand that she is feeling depressed, she must miss going to work. I hope that she will be able to find another suitable job in the near future. We would love to hear about your activities at Minsmere when you have time.
Limpy, I am so sorry to hear about Clare being made redundant. I do hope that she will find another suitable job soon. I am not sure what kind of accountant, Clare is, but, I am an ACMA ( CIMA) and they often advertise, in the members magazine, of current job availability and there are recruitment agencies, just for experienced qualified accountants. Very best wishes to you both.
MARGO- so happy that your results were good. What a relief that things have stabilised.
LIMPY/CLARE- I hope that something will come your way. I would guess that you will be hoping for either working from home or not too much travel. Best wishes x
RITA - yes, it is cold here in town, also. We have been wondering about the hoodie.The SSPCA guy said to phone at any time if we saw anything and he hoped that someone else would spot the injured Bird in their garden and phone him. The attacking birds hung about in a big fir tree nearby and then flew off. We are keeping a good eye on our own garden and also listening.
ANNETTE- Happy birthday! I hope that your OH will pour you a glass of something cold and Californian. Are you eating out today?