Where did January go? Really interesting hearing about all the new/pending pups - think you have found some surrogate owners!!!
George, sorry to hear about Diesel. My thoughts are with you.
George I am so very sorry to hear your sad news. As pet lovers we know how hard it is to lose one we love so dearly.
OH GEORGE! - so sorry to hear of your loss. You definitely did all you could and he had a wonderfully happy life with you.
New Blog from Jen
"Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."
Magnus Ullman
My Flickr account is here
George: I'm so very sorry. My condolences to you for your loss.
Hi, everyone.
Hi, Diane - it's very nice to see you. I hope you're OK and that you still have your beautiful RT hawk lurking?
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Awww George. That is just the saddest news. It is often so hard to make the right decision for our pets even if it not what is best for our emotions. A very brave decision and the right one. We would sell our souls for these heartbreaking companions.
Hi, Clare! Yup. I saw R. T. Hawk courtship flying with his mate this past week. They were a stunning pair. He's very red-orange in colour, and she's very pale (like the legendary Pale Male of New York City). R. T. hasn't been roosting in his usual tree, so I guess he's moved to his nest site for the spring already. Apparently, they're going to nest early this year.
Hope you all are okay.
I was out part of today, and then so sad to read George’s post about Diesel. You gave him a good life, George, and you and the vet did all you could at the end. Having met you with him, it is difficult to imagine you without him. I know he was a companion, more than a pet, and you will miss him deeply.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
I had to go to the Orthodontic department at the hospital this morning, the referral made by my dentist before Christmas. Nothing seriously wrong, but they are recommending some treatment. Our Dental Clinic is about to close, so the suggestion is to wait until our registration is transferred, rather than change dentists part way through, especially as I have no symptoms!
Now I really must make some replies before the week runs away from me; it seems impossible that we are already into February, with another full moon tomorrow night! I keep telling the snow it ought to disappear now that January is over: main roads are clear, but side roads and car parks are a mess, and the fields and hills just look all wrong being white instead of green.
Thanks, Liz, for starting the week on Sunday. I like the idea that the new pups belong to all of us, but most of us don’t have the responsibility of them; I well remember the chewed doorframes, floor covering and furniture!
I hope Clare and Limpy enjoyed Sunday at Minsmere; we haven’t vivited our local reserves for such a long time; I think we are getting lazy and happy to stay warm indoors!
Heather – I remember my Dad lying in bed, from which he hadn’t moved for months, and telling me to look after his wallet in his pocket in the wardrobe, because he had filled it with cash at the bank the night before, having gone out on the bus in the dark! I managed to convince him that all was well, but then had to warn the nursing home staff, in case he told them it should be there and had gone!
Linda – we need to go out soon for seeds and seed potatoes. Our potato crop lasted into January – not bad for a small suburban garden. I enjoyed the spring poem! Sorry wee Amber had a bad reaction to the vaccinations; I do wonder if they do them too young these days.
Lmac – we discovered Blanchland on returning home from a stay in N Yorkshire in 2013 – after wondering for years what lay off that road, around the Derwent Valley and Reservoir! It is a real unspoilt treasure.
AQ – I must admit to no knitting or embroidery for a very long time. Just realised how boring I must have become! Maybe I should try embroidery again – can always make small pieces into birthday cards!
A wee story from J at the weekend. On Friday, a class of six-year-olds were discussing the weather to display on the board. Teacher asked what was the weather. Answer: Snowy, Miss. No, look again; can you see any snow falling? No, Miss, but it’s still on the ground. So what can you see in the sky? The Sun, Miss. So, Class, it is sunny. No, Miss, Sunny is warm and Snowy is cold; it can’t be both!