WEEKLY CHAT (Non Osprey Topics) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st 2015

Where did January go? Really interesting hearing about all the new/pending pups - think you have found some surrogate owners!!!

  • Yes Brenda - I  am also watching Country File and managing to write this as well! I am also cooking something and have just let Amber out to the garden and back in again!

  • Hello all, hope everyone is in good fettle. Spent the night in the most beautiful village last night - Blanchland in the north Pennines. It is an old monastic village but owned now by Lord Crewe estates. No street lights, no sat dishes on walls etc. Just beautiful. If you have time to Google well worth the history lesson.

  • I'm just looking at images of Blanchland - it looks stunning!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Left it too late to make replies today, so will attempt a catch-up tomorrow.  No more weather here yet, but thaw still not completed!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I can’t watch TV without knitting in my hands. I have knitted since a child, must have done 100s of items. For months I have been struggling to finish a 5 ply jumper for myself using wool I found in back of cupboard. First I planned it to have a yoke but it just didn’t sit right. Unravel to armhole & continue. Then I interrupted myself to finish a sleeveless vest for OH. When I returned to the needles I discovered I had cast off wrong for armholes. Raglan sleeves didn’t fit back & front. Unravel. More blunders later, I am knitting the neckband of a jumper for which I have now knitted six sleeves. I blame nanny duty for lack of concentration, not increasing age!

    Cool & cloudy here for washing day.

  • Lmac, Blanchland looks a beautiful retreat. I need to read more about it's history. Thanks for telling us about it.

    OG, Hope yourself and J have now recovered. Not good if J still has to leave home early on icy roads.

    AQ, You must finish that jumper now, after all that effort. I used to knit quite a lot but haven't done any for some years now. I was never as fast as my mother, though. I do think I will start again. The last jumper I knitted was an aran sweater, with wool I bought in Ireland and it was too warm to wear.

  • Lmac - I have been looking at pictures and reading about Blanchland, what a lovely village.  I like the look of The Lord Crewe Arms, seems as though you could get a nice meal there.

  • Evening all. More unusually warm days. Ugh.  Just had dinner with one eye on the Super Bowl (think it was football...)  :-)  

    Can't comment on embroidery, crochet, or knitting.  I think I knit something once.....  Had to laugh at AQ's sweater with 6 arms, but why stop at 6?  :-)

    Have a good Monday everyone.

  • Good Morning, All. White over with ground frost this morning. A chilly start, and not going to get much warmer! Eldest has just banged all the doors as he heads off to work - he arrived late evening yesterday and is going to stay for a couple of days this time. Our Granddaughter Amber has had a poorly reaction to her "jabs" again and was rather sick this week. After a couple of days she picked up again, so is ok now.
  • Laughed at AQs descriptions of the knitting!! My mother used to unravel things and knit them again if she didn't like them. My m-in-law used to unravel old garments and knit new ones out of them! I would never have the patience for either. Off to look up Lmacs retreat - it sounds wonderful.