WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2015

Happy New Week all.

Big surprise this morning!!!  Heard a knock on the front door at 8:15 and thought it was the neighbor who'd just had a load of bricks delivered to their driveway, but NO!!  It was my granddaughter, with a basket of flowers, champagne, scones she'd baked plus jars of lemon and raspberry curd on a spur-of-the-moment trip to celebrate my birthday early!!  I was amazed and thrilled. She had a few days off what with shift changes, etc., and since we don't get to spend a lot of "just us" time, she decided to drive here to spend a day with me and OH without the rest of the family buzzing about.  She even made dinner reservations at our favorite restaurant in Montecito!   You can't believe how thrilled I was - and so happy - what a special treat.  She's off to her Mom's tomorrow (daughter is not aware she's in town at all, so that'll be another unexpected treat) and they'll spend the day together before she drives back to Arizona on Monday.   So happy!

Will respond to posts tomorrow, but in the meantime, take care everyone.  :-))))) 

  • Sun is shining here now, and the trees are all dripping as the snow melts. We've been to visit relatives to show them puppy pics, and swap dog tales. Our Youngest laughed when I told him we'd bought "four legs & a tail!" on the phone. Heather, I like your OH's cat story!
  • Margo - glad your OH will soon be able to relax after his hard work recently. Have a nice weekend once he's finished his stint. My Friend has got home this morning and is relieved that the procedure is over and done. Now she can recover. George - it sounds hopeful that maybe Diesel will respond to a different medication. I do hope so.
  • OG, I hope 'J's' journey to work was fine. I wonder how many parents, with their children, risked the drive to school though.

    Linda, Your excitement is becoming contagious and there is so long to wait, before you bring your puppy home :-}}

  • george thanks for giving us news of Diesel as you could see we were worrying with you. Hope a change in medication will solve the problem.

    Heather love the tale about the cat, yes a cat will do whatever it wants and will not be deterred.

    OG hopefully J will be home bedfore it starts to freeze again.

  • Brenda - I keep saying to myself that I won't mention the pup again, as I'll bore everyone to death! My OH is beside himself with excitement, so I can see that we made the right decision to change our minds and have one. He has so missed his daily walks. Our snow has nearly melted now, as its rained here, so I hope everyone else, especially OG, is safe now.
  • margobird said:
    Starling hope you will post some pics of your new puppy.

    I only have one pic and it's not very good, but I will post it anyway.

  • Starling said:

    Starling hope you will post some pics of your new puppy.

    I only have one pic and it's not very good, but I will post it anyway.


    Starling just lovely what a sweetie.

  • Lindybird said:
    Brenda - I keep saying to myself that I won't mention the pup again, as I'll bore everyone to death! My OH is beside himself with excitement, so I can see that we made the right decision to change our minds and have one. He has so missed his daily walks. Our snow has nearly melted now, as its rained here, so I hope everyone else, especially OG, is safe now.

    Lindybird mention the pup as often as you like, we are all excited for you and OH.

  • Hi! J got there and back safe today – main road was cleared – he is glad it is now weekend! We are getting fed up with the dirty stuff on the roads and footpaths here, although roofs are still clean and white – obviously all have good insulation in these parts! Forecasters seem uncertain whether we shall get snow again, or maybe sleet and rain here.

    George – thanks for updating us about poor Diesel; I was pleased to read they found nothing serious, and I hope he responds well to the new antibiotics over the weekend. I think we all feel for his well-being because we talked you into getting him in the first place! Pleased your council has done a good job to keep you safe on roads and pavements; take care, and keep warm.

    Heather – the mother cat who brought our kittens was looking round the cottage for a nesting place, but we wouldn’t let her have them indoors, so she delivered them under a hedge and brought them to us one at a time over two days!

    Starling – such a cute puppy, thanks for sharing the photo.

    Margo – have a good weekend with your less-stressed OH!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Oh LINDY, Please keep sharing your excitement, it lifts the heart xx