WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2015

Happy New Week all.

Big surprise this morning!!!  Heard a knock on the front door at 8:15 and thought it was the neighbor who'd just had a load of bricks delivered to their driveway, but NO!!  It was my granddaughter, with a basket of flowers, champagne, scones she'd baked plus jars of lemon and raspberry curd on a spur-of-the-moment trip to celebrate my birthday early!!  I was amazed and thrilled. She had a few days off what with shift changes, etc., and since we don't get to spend a lot of "just us" time, she decided to drive here to spend a day with me and OH without the rest of the family buzzing about.  She even made dinner reservations at our favorite restaurant in Montecito!   You can't believe how thrilled I was - and so happy - what a special treat.  She's off to her Mom's tomorrow (daughter is not aware she's in town at all, so that'll be another unexpected treat) and they'll spend the day together before she drives back to Arizona on Monday.   So happy!

Will respond to posts tomorrow, but in the meantime, take care everyone.  :-))))) 

  • Lindybird- yes tuxedoes are black and white usually a widow's peak marking on the head and a "bowtie" marking at the throat.

  • I have not had any siskins in my garden this winter, I usually  have about eight or ten of them most of the time.  No long tailed tits so far either which is unusual.

  • Good Morning, All. White over, here. We had yet more snow last night on top of the messy stuff which had already fallen, half melted & then frozen again. So its probably dangerous out. Hope everyone in UK is keeping safe & warm!
  • Bjane - thanks for that info on tuxedoes! And nice to hear about your cats.
  • Good Morning ALL. I hope you have all managed to stay warm and safe. Sounds as if there are some dangerous icy and snow covered roads this morning. We have had just a slight covering of snow overnight and some large noisy hailstones.  

  • Good  morning all, nice day at the moment and not quite so cold although it will get colder over the weekend. So glad for my OH that it is the end of the month tomorrow and he will have time to relax. Is working tomorrow but hopes that he will not have to work all day.

    georgr thinking of you and hoping that you have not bad news abiut Diesel. Please let us know how he is.

    Lindybird hope your friend will be OK after the stent removal. Looking forward to finding out the name of that cute little puppy. Sounds pretry dangerous up there so do take if you have to go out.

    Heather sorry to read that problems with Shesna's memory have erupted once again. Spot on about the difference between cats and dogs. LINDY is correct when she says cats have staff. Billie certainly has 2 devoted members of staff and we not allowed to forget it Lol.

    Brenda robins can be quite vicious with each other. Hard to believe when they look so cute. Hope your regular will not be frightened off.

    rita your garden must be a real haven in the very cold weather you are experiencing. Poor little things have to cram a lot in so they make it through the night.

    Annette thanks for rescuing the little terrier But it did bring a tear to my eyes to see such a sad face. Hope he will find a loving home Very soon. Do let us know how things go for him.

    bjane wonderful to read that you give a home to more senior cats. So many never get that chance. If Billie had not come into our lives I think we would probably have adopted a senior cat. Cats are wonderful companions and Billie has been with me through some tough times. We think she is probably about 6 so hopefully she will be with us for a long time yet.

    OG hope you are still feeling better as each day passes. Would imagine the roads are very dangerous this morning. Has J gone to work. If so hope he will take care.

    have a good day all, keep warm and safe.

  • J got a text from work this morning - school reopened, with some restricted access on slopes - not good for the children in wheelchairs!  He wasn't happy about doing the journey, but set off on time just before 8 o'clock, and I imagine our own road was the worst part, as we have not been gritted at all, although on a local bus route!  OH has been out for groceries and arrived home safe.  No more precipitation here, but the thaw is very slow.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thank you everyone for asking about Diesel I got him home after 5pm yesterday after they had carried out all their test and they still think it has been a stomach bug but they are now trying another two different antibiotics and I have to see how this goes during the weekend and I have to take him back on Monday morning.

    After a cold and snowy day yesterday today the sun is shinning although it is still cold but the council has done a good job and most of the roads and pavements round about here have been gritted.

    Hope everyone keeps well and warm.

    george g

  • Hello all,

    Thank you GEORGE for giving us news of Diesel. Fingers crossed he will respond to the new ABs.

    MARGO- Your OH will be glad to be working under less pressure now that the fiscal year is coming to an end. We had our State pension notifications today. OH very miffed that I am going to get £3 a week more than him! I won't get it in my purse, every time I get a rise in State pension my tax bill goes up as well.I'm sure that I'm not alone in that respect.

    OG - I hope that J and EE will be OK on the roads and the disabled children also OK. Here in town, snow going, a bright morning but coldish.

    Regarding cats and farms, OH told me a tale last evening. One of the farm cats had kittens. She had decided to give birth in the byre. For whatever reason, the byre had to be cleaned and disinfected so they moved mum and babies to an adjacent shed. Next morning, some kittens were found back in the byre. Upon investigating they discovered Mum with a kitten in her mouth, gripping it with her teeth,she jumped up on to a kist (I think that means box or chest), then up to a skylight window, then down to the ground and over to the byre. Says it all doesn't it, a cat will decide for itself!!


  • George, Thank you so much for news of Diesel. I do hope that the new antibiotics are the the answer to his problems.
    Good to hear that your roads and pavements have been cleared.

    Heather, What a cat story !! I guess they had to postpone their plans for the byre.